CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey


Active Member
Getting more exciting each week :)

Got a good pic of some trichs today too!!

Both plants are around 8" tall now. Ariel seems to be skinny and appears that the entire top half of her is going to turn into the main cola! Tiana is going to have some nice, fat-ass buds and I can't wait to smoke this shit!!! Anyway here's some pics for your viewing pleasure!





Active Member
I'm noticing some of the lower buds that are branching out are sticking close to the main stem and not getting much light. They're long enough that I can pull them outward from the plant a little to get then in more direct light. Should i basically "lst" these lower branches for a little more bud at the bottom or let them figure it out on their own?


Well-Known Member
I'm noticing some of the lower buds that are branching out are sticking close to the main stem and not getting much light. They're long enough that I can pull them outward from the plant a little to get then in more direct light. Should i basically "lst" these lower branches for a little more bud at the bottom or let them figure it out on their own?
yes u should! not that it matters or would of made a diffrence but thats why i was advising u to lst before, even thou vistors are going to vist; nonetheless ur plants are looking fantastic. do you have more bagseed of the same kind as the plants ur growing now, or did u only aquire these two seeds. if u have more seeds of this strain that came from the same bag i highly recommend u on ur next grow, fill up ur grow cab with as many plants as u can, ideally seeds of this strain.


Well-Known Member
and is it just me or does those trich's look party milky already?!?!? thats some auto strain he got there..idk if i asked u already do u know the name of the bag u got the seeds from. can u describe the bud and how it smoked if u remember?!?


Active Member
Well the soil was getting pretty dry and the girls looked pretty thirsty so I mixed up my first batch of nutes and fed them :)

In a 2 liter bottle I mixed 2ml Grow, 5ml of Micro, and 7ml of Bloom. Hoping they like this and I didn't overdue it.

I also noticed a bunch of the lower bud shoots weren't growing out away from the main stem and missing out on a lot of light potential so I did a little bit of lst to get them. Here's the before and after pics :)

[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Alright here are the pics. I totally believe this will be very beneficial for my girls :) there were 6 on one and 4 on the other I tied down.

Ariel Before:

Ariel After:

Tiana Before:

Tiana After:



Well-Known Member
next grow do something like this, it will give you a bunch of tops and you can grow out longer with space restrictions to give you a better yield



Active Member
Ask and ye shall receive!!





The lower buds seem to love their new light and have doubled in size since the lst. :D


Active Member
Thanks guys! Pulled out the lower bud shoots a little more yesterday for even more light, excited to see the size of these smaller buds. It's amazing how the whole top of the plant turns into the main cola when it's this size, really cool to watch me flower day by day. Now it all makes sense when I'm picking a bud apart to pack a bowl on how it was formed in the first place :)