CFL closet major heat

Mylar will def help you tommy, also a bigger fan would benefit you but I don't believe it necessary. I would recommend a Holmes 10" personal box fan, it is white 2 speed and on amazon for 19 usd. It's very quiet.

As for my setup, I have converted to all 42w (6@2700lums) and 23w (12@1700lums). That's 36,600 lumens on less than 10 sqft = 3,700 lumens per sqft. I'm at 84 MAX throughout first night, and my plant looks happy. Visible growth of at least 2 inches at the two tops since checked only after 7 hours worth of growth! That is amazing so I'm getting great results with the 42w and 23w mix all at 2700k. At this rate I will be able to add a 4th complete wire socket 4->1 like the rest soon.

I run 3 light socket wires from power strip each hanging from top pvc. Each wire socket has a 4->1 socket splitter. I use (x2) 2->1 splitters holding 23w in both sockets, and a 42w in remaining sockets for each 4->1 splitter.View attachment 3564106

looks like you put a lot of effort into your grow but cfl needs to be within 6" from the canopy or the plant can't use it, the plant looks overwatered and the leaves are dark green and dropping.
not trying to make you feel bad but just saying you can make a lot of improvment so get a larger yeild in less time
I'm a beginner growing for personal, and will be happy if i get any bud at all. That is my first plant and I'm open to suggestions but I need to have virtually no noise and limited smell from the grow. I tried hps and led and they were too loud and hot for my area.. I admit, that plant has been under stress most of its life. I guess it might not seem like it but what you see it the result of months of trial and error in my unique environment. this has been the quietest setup so far that I've tried. Now that I beat the heat, space, noise, and light issues I'm somewhat content with what I got.
The lighting wires are completely adjustable as they are only wrapped a couple times around top pvc and not tied down but I am worried about them being unsecured. But I'm definitely still learning fur shure
have you tried a 250 hps and a small fan cliped on the side of the hood blowing the heat away

this will reduce the heat in the room and double the yeild

top/lst the plant and keep the hood 8" above the canopy in veg and flower

or just go for a 250w cfl and hood, blue one for veg and red one for flower, you will get better results, reduce heat and save on electria
I'm no expert but it looks like you have more than enough lights, but they could be optimized for better coverage of the plant. I think that you could probably even remove a few of the lights, and move the ones you keep to be around the plant (like a dome of lights). Just a thought from a novice.

I may have found a solution to my heart issue, will give a progress report tomorrow. Transplanting and tying down tonight. :)
I'm using a 4 inch inline fan.

Just buy what you need. It will be cheaper than buying four or five things that don't work.

I got 432 watts of t5ho in a really small space. Trust me I tried a few different things.

Check it out.

You will want to upgrade lights at some point anyways plus you will want a good filter. I reccomend phresh.
How many intake ports are you using, and since I'm asking, what size are they?

Checked out your journal, looks good, dude.