CFL! Enough Lighting?


Active Member
2x --- 27w (100W EQ.) : 1750Lumens, 5000K
2x --- 30w (120W EQ.) : 2000Lumens, 6500K

This would just be for veg. Will this work?


Active Member
Toss out the 5000K, they are absolutely useless. It is impossible to say if this is enough light because you didnt mention how big your room is or how many plants you are growing or anything. Come on....


Active Member
Sorry i'm new to the whole thing.
Uhm just one experimental plant.
I havent built any type of room yet but i have plenty of space to work with.


Well-Known Member
Thats plenty to veg one plant. Theres nothing wrong with the 5000k I used them for seedling stage .I had two 27 w 5000k and two 23 watt 2450 k . Check out the cfl section of this site some growers are dedicated to only using cfls.