CFL flowering 3 weeks


Active Member

Very nice. Could you possibly link me to where you got those lighting fixtures and how you set up the chains? It's quite a nice set up you got there, and congrats on the magnificent yield for CFL's.

How does she smoke? Have you tried any yet? :)


Active Member
thx for provin ppl wrong im a noob nd i started growin about 2-3 weeks ago nd my plans r lookin nice i got one real busy sour d but im only usin 1 clf 100 watt daylite for each plant sum1 let me no if this in any gud ndd how did u set up those lights

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
Veg room
12 lights total 10 26watt daylight and 2 soft white light
b b b
b r b
b r b
b b b

b-26 watt daylight r-26 watt soft white

Flower room (3 fixtures with 9 spiltters ran off one plug)

r r r
r b r
R b R
r b r
r r r

R-42watt Soft white(others same as above)

Hopes this helps. the pulley system is with string and is thumbtac to the wood. These fixtures are very light with the lights. Check out my 3rd grow journal. I have 4 in flower and 5 clones. 2 old bagseed that took forever to crack. Ya'll need anything just holla...

the smoke is great long high and sweet smelling..


Well-Known Member

12 x 26 watt = 312 watts
+2 x 42 watt = 84 watts
396 watts

Not too bad, I hope I can get decent yield off of like 200 watts of cfl though >.< I hope...