Cfl flowering questions!! Please help!!

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
Hi I have a purple haze plant thats growing on CFL lights.I saw the Pistols about 2 days ago. About how many days until I can pick my food?bongsmilie :bigjoint: :eyesmoke:


Active Member
yo you got like about a mounth homie,.wen i seen my pistals on my plant, it was about 5 weeks old an i moved on to flowering at 8 weeks old an like 14in talll,... how olds ya plant an if u got picz would help,.(purple haze is my fav.)lol


Active Member
but ill wait a while, cfls suck an thats wat i got an im gunna get like 4 oz out it so the longer u wait, the more you get


Active Member
way longer then a month..... atleast 2 months prolly more if i remember right the hazes are a longer flowering strain
Originally Posted by High Time 420
That plant's not gonna do shit for you, and if you're flowering under a 100watt incandescent,'re really wasting your time and our time. Damn dude u aint gotta be a dick dude's just askin about cfl flowering where u get 100 watt incandescent from go smoke a bowl and chill high time 420

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
Will add pics a bit later. Ya but if you wait to long then bye bye thc and hello CBN. And I dont want that. just wait till 35% pistols go brown red or what?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by High Time 420
That plant's not gonna do shit for you, and if you're flowering under a 100watt incandescent,'re really wasting your time and our time. Damn dude u aint gotta be a dick dude's just askin about cfl flowering where u get 100 watt incandescent from go smoke a bowl and chill high time 420

Well done you fucking retard, if you 1/8 of a fucking brain you would see that what you have quoted is my own signature,

So, once again for the record, you are No1 RIU retard, Step back and bow:wall:.

Fucking noobs, u havnt got a clue and you try to rip me apart, So you go and smoke a bong and take down your tin foil off the walls of your grow cab,


High Time 420

Well-Known Member
and, my first anwser is correct.

I'm the only one who has posted a correct anwser in this whole thread, just goes to show who has the brains.

bong hoger

Well-Known Member
I have 3 85w CFLS! But outdoors I am the man. You see I am new to the indoor world! How much heat does a 250w hps give off?


Active Member
Well done you fucking retard, if you 1/8 of a fucking brain you would see that what you have quoted is my own signature,

So, once again for the record, you are No1 RIU retard, Step back and bow:wall:.

Fucking noobs, u havnt got a clue and you try to rip me apart, So you go and smoke a bong and take down your tin foil off the walls of your grow cab,

relax there tough guy..


Well-Known Member
Hi I have a purple haze plant thats growing on CFL lights.I saw the Pistols about 2 days ago. About how many days until I can pick my food?bongsmilie :bigjoint: :eyesmoke:

Personally.. my experience has been that you should wait a good solid 2 weeks before giving your flowering lady any kind of blooming nutes.

Also, don't forget when first introducing nutes (veg & flower) to your plant(S).. always remember that you must start your plant(s) on a
1/4 strength only. Then gradually and slowly work your plants up to where
they can withstand the full strength dosage.

Failure to do so can cause harm to your plants. Possibly kill them even.

Hope this helped.
*(Also, if you want a good blooming additive (flowering food).. I would
like to suggest one that I have always had great success from. It is
called 'Green Light Super Bloom'. [NPK = 12-55-8]) Plant's love this


bong hoger

Well-Known Member
You think you are super smart jap fucker! I mean look at yore name. but is over know.So dont even reply becuese i wont! Ganjaluvr Do you think the blooming nutes make a big dif? and does any body know how much heat a 250w HPS give off?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Fucking fool. I have 3 85w cfls! so sniff sumething! hope yo die
Sniff something? will your girls underwaer do:bigjoint:

relax there tough guy..
i'm relaxed all the way little man.bongsmilie

You think you are super smart jap fucker! I mean look at yore name. but is over know.So dont even reply becuese i wont! Ganjaluvr Do you think the blooming nutes make a big dif? and does any body know how much heat a 250w HPS give off?
Haha, lol. You have 4500 lumen's of mighty CFL power, easy big boy, you might just grow a little tree with an 8th of loose bud! :roll:

So explain please, what is wrong with my name?

But anyway, nutes do make a big difference to your overall harvest, you must use them if you want that 8th.:lol:

And yes, quiet a bit of heat off a 250w hid, i should know, i got 2 and a 600watter.:bigjoint:

There was no need to give it billy big bud was there, i had a reason to, and it wasn't even directed to you was it?, and i anwser'd your question.

And to top it all off, i hope you and your twigs die.



Well-Known Member
Holy drama in this thread, You all need to chill.
Like High Time said, purple haze takes a bit to fully develop, your looking around 1.5 months to 2.5 all give our take your setup and what not, as for nutes, something basic like 5-15-5 should do, although i hear people are staring to use a bit more n in their solutions with some good results, you can try some bloodmeal which is a hearty does N. Good luck dude, and keep those cfls close!

P.S - Opinions are like assholes! everybody has one! Do what you gotta do man.