CFL FLowering


Hypothetically if you had a 1.5 month old plant under 6500K CFL's in veg, and its 5 inches tall. Can it be flowered by switching to 12/12 cycle and 2700K lights right now if your not looking for a big yield?


Yes you can flower a plant at that age but 5 inches is very short. You can flower a plant right from seed. The more CFLs for veg and flowering the better they'll grow.


Well-Known Member
you can but the buds are not going to be big or fat for that matter as they would with an hid lamp, but if you want to really use cfl's make sure that the plant has atleast 10,000 lumens that way it would be worth a nice bud, i myself have started seedlings (lsd and bluecheese from barneys) and am using cfls with approx. 6000 lumens for seedlings and so far so good but once i start flowering i will add a 150w hps with the cfls as well.


Well-Known Member
14000 lumens is very good, remember the minimum per plant is 10000 so you really dont want to go less than that, just make sure that when flowering change if you can afford it change the cfl's from daylight to warm white or soft white that way it gives it that orange sort of color like hps. and you might want to leave like two daylight and the rest warm white that way it has both color spectrum. keep us posted on how its doing, some pics would be nice,


Active Member
Hypothetically if you had a 1.5 month old plant under 6500K CFL's in veg, and its 5 inches tall. Can it be flowered by switching to 12/12 cycle and 2700K lights right now if your not looking for a big yield?
Well i'm using 1 200w CFL 2700k for 3 plants, I don't know what to expect yield but am hoping for at least half oz of each plant i might add more lighting if i can.This is my grow
the minimum amount of lumens per square foot is 3000 for minimum plant growth. For best plant growth you need 6000 lumens per sq ft. And keep those cfls real close. like 1-2 inches


Active Member
To debunk all the misinformation in this thread:

Minimum lumens required for a cfl grow: ~3k

Generally accepted lumen output for a cfl grow: ~5k

The point where more is overkill using cfls: ~11k

These approximations are per plant or per square foot when dealing with micro grows.

Also, comparing lumen outputs from different lightsources is completely useless. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Especially them HPS/MH fanbois.