CFL flowers 5.5 weeks in....


Well-Known Member
What you guys think so far? I'm using one 200w CFL plug and grow light.

In soil, in a box. Bio Biz nutes all the way. Its my first grow. Got some cloudy some clear trichs and the odd amber so far. I'm guessing 2 weeks left? Will they fatten up more? the buds are SOLID at the tops.

These are 2 OG Kush plants.
thx for looking and let me know what u think?



they look really good close to done there getting more potent now i wouldnt go over 2 more weeks maybe even 1 week


Well-Known Member
OK - Thanks for the info - I will check the trichs over the next week..........I think about 50 / 50 split between clear and cloudy now........especially the top buds.

U think I should stop the bio bloom now?


well now let me back up if your trichomes are 50% amber then ur good to go cut her down n harvest shes ready. the rule i follow is once trychs r 50% amber anytime after that shes ready, yea id stop feeding great job by the way...............just be looking at the trichomes with a loop or magnifier when ur sure ther atleast half that shit will be killer


Well-Known Member
Sorry - I meant that 50/50 clear and cloudy......I've literally spotted one amber Trich so far.....

When the bud is 50/50 amber and cloudy they are getting the chop..........I'm a newd but I'm thinking about 10-15 days


Well-Known Member
not bad for the lighting. careful about the 50/50 while most do go to that... my nebula that i just grew isn't a type to go 50/50.. and thats just cuz of the genetics.. the most it went was 30 amber/ 70 cloudy. never got more then that.. and i believe if it did it'd be over ripe.


Well-Known Member
Yea, thanks. I don't know what's better... Many small CFL's or one large one? I kept the light as close to the tops as possible but had a few burns along the way. CFL was my only option at this stage, il switch when I move Into my new place but it's been a good first grow I think.


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong but I really think those buds will fatten up for 2 weeks before coming down .. Like I said, it's my first grow but I have a feeling they still have some improving to do before ready


Well-Known Member
You probably want to cut nutes very soon, if not now? And start flush process! If you did these 2 with 200 actual watts of did great, accompanied with great plant genetics! Good job!

By the way, I'm curious.....what was your nute schedule? Im using same light + 46 watts on side lighting.....almost the same as you, and am flowering one plant now.....did you give full strength nutes? Did you use through veg as well? What did you use? Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments Warrior. Appreciate it. There is actually a 3rd Kush plant also but I made a fatal mistake with that one....I topped it at the end of veg and used superthrive with the next feed...this caused the plant to stetch like crazy with small tops and not a great deal of leaves to power the plant. Hope to see it yeild 10 grams or so.

I used Bio Biz all mix soil from the start, this way they had a little food to get them going. Then after 3 weeks I slowly integrated bio grow, using 0.5ml per litre and upping this to 1ml per litre towards the end of veg. Once veg was over I did the same with the bloom....started small and then kept the feed at around 1.5ml per litre until my last feed (this week) that used 2ml for the final few weeks of flower. My theory was simple.....feed every water but not loads. Make sure you have good run off each time so the old shit comes out and the new nutes take over. Seems to have worked. That was it, bio biz grow and bloom and some epsom salts when the leaves curled. I only used superthrive on one plant as an experiment and let me tell you..ITS STRONG.

I won't be flushing. I will ad 0.5ml of bloom to the next water and then its water for the next few weeks until she is done. I've heard mixed opinions on flushing and I choose to just finish with a week of pure water instead.

thanks for looking and although I won't yeild much, it was a good experience and I can't fault the 200w CFL light..I used the same red spectrum bulb all the way through and those buds are v v sticky so happy days.


Well-Known Member
Ha...yea it does kinda look like a Xmas tree! I haven't topped or messed with that one but the genetics seem quality.

Just gonna keep an eye on the Trichromes until I see about 30% amber.


Well-Known Member
Good job bro.....some guys will feed, water, water, feed, water, water and so on.....And I know others that feed every other water, and there are some that feed every water? Looks like you found something that worked, and had great genetics to boot! I usually top my least I did with the one I have going now....ended up with 3 cocks! lol I mean colas! Might be something you want to try in future? Good job bud, keep me posted! Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate.....yea, I just did a constant light feed with every water all the way through flower....seems to be OK.

In regards to topping, I did top one plant but it really didn't agree with the plant and it will yeild my lowest of the 3. It took a looong time to recover and made the plant really strechy and lanky.

Will peep the trichs tomorro morning as its been 5 days since I last looked. I'm hoping the have fattened up and have a few more amber. We will see.


Well-Known Member
Buds have swelled up a bit but all the trichs are mostly cloudy and a few clear.....still waiting on those amber...however the hairs are all red/brown on the top buds