cfl= good choice


Well-Known Member
im not sure if its possible...i do know how 5o grow bonsai but the thing is it takes a long time...but maybe you can just keep growing a small plant leaving the buds on it...idk i think they'd get moldy...buds can't grow back right? either way i got a small stunted plant now im gonna try it with


Well-Known Member
i think its possible to make a plant looking like the one i just have to train it to stay small and get a thick trunk all in the veg stage for as long as it takes and then flower it when you want to...


Well-Known Member
that is very very true, but i always like to experiment, btw all the little sprouts i planted have come up out of the dirt...germinated, planted and shown their first little leaves all within like 5 mayybe 6 days.


Well-Known Member
i think ill try the mini bonsai with a clone,i got a little bonsai pot thats small as hell,i would have to set up a irigation system to prevent it from dryin

u can actually put a plant in a small pot and get a great yeild,if u got time on ur hands,u will have to trim the roots,it will stunt the growth and slow it down but it will be a fun project for ppl who have time on there hands,and for ppl that has plenty of plants and want to try something fun


Well-Known Member
Awsome picture's dude. That is one of the best CFL grows iv seen. Very healthy looking plant's and looks like it was a nice yield from one plant. It definately looks like you know what is up.
Thanks for the compliment but actually I dont know shit! lol
This is my first grow in over 15 years when I grew in the closet with floresents back in the day. I can barly remember all what I knew back then but I this is my first hydro.

I got a free Aerogarden so the first thing that came to mind was ..... well ya you know .... so I googled it and got some pics on this site so I READ A LOT and figured out a plan. Made a cab - super small space to work with - and made the best out of it. I learned a lot and have yet to harvest the plant you see above - 1 or 2 more weeks hopfully and she will be ready. I definatly know what I will change in the future! I lucked out with a pretty tolerable clone to start off with and she turned out great. If it wasnt for these forums that plant would look like crap! I learned from my mistakes and I am looking forward to round 2!

specs - flower chamber = 22D x 16W x 36H
1 65Watt 6500K Flood light costco $9 - ran 2 for a while
1 150 Watt equivelent 2700K - ran 2 for a while
air stone
Fox farm Grow Big
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom

Patience :weed:


Well-Known Member
First Grow CFL's all the way through shitty yield little midgets plants great smoke though..

one went hermie on me but yield about a oz with all three

thought id share my cfl days




first grow shitty lol


Well-Known Member
Davii, where did you get your 250W and 200W cfl's at ??? Where did you get the light hood with the cfl in it ??

@phinxter there 250 watts each im running 2 of them i use red spectrum for flowering and blue spec for veggin i have 2 200 watt blue ones


Well-Known Member
I have read "partially" through your journal, it is 21 pages long but I have yet to see WHERE you got the lights/hood from. Maybe I overlooked it, sorry for the question.

got them in ebay all the infos in my journal