CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

thanks guy very greatfull
i think every grow is diff,in the ways people do it and what they are useing and how they use them,and enviroment and everything,so plants grow differently in thier situations and plants react diff to those ways.u know what i mean.another words for example by the ways i do certain things to my plants they might do better with higher heat levels then urs cuz u do certain things diff and the area/enviorment/and stuff like that might be diff or alot diff u never know
thanks guy very greatfull
i think every grow is diff,in the ways people do it and what they are useing and how they use them,and enviroment and everything,so plants grow differently in thier situations and plants react diff to those ways.u know what i mean.another words for example by the ways i do certain things to my plants they might do better with higher heat levels then urs cuz u do certain things diff and the area/enviorment/and stuff like that might be diff or alot diff u never know

You couldn't say it better Clowdy, thanks man.
Temperature. Most cannabis plants will slow or cease growth when temp's get above 85F, or below 65f. Optimal lights-on temp for most strains is about 72-78F, with 5-10 degrees cooler during the dark period being a good rule of thumb.
True! But, in order to really bring out the purple COLOR in purp strains, keepin the temps in low 70's during day, and lower-mid 60's wen they sleep is incredibly helpful
Man, people start grows everyday, I think there is like 177,000 thousand people subscribed to riu

yo penny
its been 2 days how my plant looks
they look pale why?
and im goin to buy some new lights tonight:)


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ok let me take the pics

startin to get good roots but the plants are pale and some stem purple...

is it bad if the bottom of the pots are in like half inch of water? should i remove all water?
i dont rly wanna move the tray to do it cauz last time it folded and all plants droped on the floor!! 2 died cauz the stem snapped..

anyway chek the pics and tell me what u think thanks !

im gonna transplant tonight in my 9feet pvc tubes, will need to light 9"x3"
im gonna use my 4x 300w led panels + some light im gonna buy tonight at home depot, i was thinkin some T5 HO 2 feetx4tubes in between the leds if i can fit them... good idea or not?

should i start givin nutrients? i only give bottled water now 1 time a day i drop good amount of water in the middle of the pot with a glass and like 4-5 time a day i spray small amount to the top with a sprayin bottle


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startin to get good roots but the plants are pale and some stem purple...

is it bad if the bottom of the pots are in like half inch of water? should i remove all water?
i dont rly wanna move the tray to do it cauz last time it folded and all plants droped on the floor!! 2 died cauz the stem snapped..

anyway chek the pics and tell me what u think thanks !

im gonna transplant tonight in my 9feet pvc tubes, will need to light 9"x3"
im gonna use my 4x 300w led panels + some light im gonna buy tonight at home depot, i was thinkin some T5 HO 2 feetx4tubes in between the leds if i can fit them... good idea or not?

should i start givin nutrients? i only give bottled water now 1 time a day i drop good amount of water in the middle of the pot with a glass and like 4-5 time a day i spray small amount to the top with a sprayin bottle
I'd be happy to help you on yer thread, but lets not hijack this one, and you DO need help!
ya thats true but the others are okaymake ur thread guy and we could help ya out :0)
hey guys pics are in hit me up there :0)
Just did clowdy, it looks great, but you should sex it to make sure all the trouble of trans is worth it. It would really suck for it to be a male for all the shit you have gone through, KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!
The 2 pics to the left look great, but the 3rd one looks like it's beginning to curl onder. How is your humidity?

its around 50% most of the time.. sometime my humidifer is empty and it drop but only till i see and refill it

i could bring it even higher to like 70 is necessary
my temp is between 70F ans 80F

think im overwaterin?
shoul i giv nutes? idk
its pretty hot too 2inch under the led panel
if i put my hand its not burnin but defenetly hot
why its curly? more then 1 plant is startin doin this

u want me to leave here n start my own thread? i post here cauz your the only 1 helpin and givin me advice
Start you own thread so this way you can get alot more help from other hydro growers. Once you start it send me the link.
ya start ur own thread and we all will go and help.
do u have a fan blowing on ur plant and lights?that would help with the heat
and watering it to much could be a prob for the droppyness.if its still like 2 week or under i wouldnt feed it just water it and try less water too.
hows the ph?
whats going on all? I just got my certifcat for the class that I was taking, and I also will be getting 150 dollars in two weeks for doing the class.