Very nice. Wish I had one of those or the money for one. If you get everything perfect it should theoretically produce the best plants. I guess I will just have to invest as I go on future grows.
yeah till me about it what i've been doing is slowly reinvesting into my grow after each time im hella broke right now but at least i have my smoke keeps me saneVery nice. Wish I had one of those or the money for one. If you get everything perfect it should theoretically produce the best plants. I guess I will just have to invest as I go on future grows.
my sour diesil is from clones from a very respectable club that shits fuken bomb very dense very flavorful and very smelly shit this will be my 3rd grow with it thanks for checking it out i defianetly check yours out real tuned in! i also got a grow box just not as big. everythin lookin good im real interested in the sour d u got going on dere where u get the seeds from?? Check out my grow sometime
its all good bro appreate someone commenting evryone looks but never leaves feedback my box is in my garage so rite know the heat dont bother it bathroom fan not very loud at all but i guess if it was in the same room could be a problem at home depot they have display boards with them mounted so you can hear the different types mine are just there cheap ones so the more expenseve ones are quitier i bought my dehumidifier on ebay was $80 with shipping was remanufactured from the company in a original box it normally costs around $300 i'm thinking in my flowering chamber 2 bathroom fans one blowing air in one blowing air out should be fine im hoping its an experiment if i cant keep my temps under control i'll just take my divider back out and have 1 chamber i have my greenhouse for the spring and summer so i probably wont use my box after a few more months thanks meta just trying to get some repect from everyone on here pissed a couple people off cuz i posted to check my grow out with a pic on their forum didnt see a problem but what ever im very happy about my grow hit me back up manVideo looks nice, i like the setup. I've been wanting to invest in some T5's for veg, but they sell 4' T8's by me for 10 bucks for a 2 bulb fixture so thats what I have your video, I'm a fan of making videos as well, and have a ton on my thread...come to think of it, about time for another one! I noticed you have the calander right there, I have 2 calanders, one for veg and one for bloom, but I'm finding that I need to start a notebook since I have plants in so many stages of growth. Do you keep a seperate notebook? Anyway, things are looking good, but do you think if you make the flowering chamber below, the heat might come up through the floor of the veg chamber? Just a thought, guess if you have good ventilation and the ambient temp in the room your pulling from stays low it's no prob. Also, is that bathroom vent fan loud? I sleep in the same room as my grow area, so I'm always thinking of good quiet solutions. Currently running one of those window fans like you have, except both fans are exhausting and I have passive intake for flowering. How much was your dehumidifier? I have a DWC that i recently switched to flower, and might run into humidity issues, though my air exchange rate is good. Anyway, just the ramblings of a stoner, keep up the good work and if I make another video soon I'll post a link for ya.
Haha, yeah, the spamming pissed me off too, but it's cool. It's hard to get people to follow your threads on here. So you're not growing indoors during your outdoor grow? I'm mainly an outdoor grower, in fact I'm on my 2nd indoor cycle ever right now. But I'm definately gonna keep it going to get a harvest in september at least. I need free bud while my outdoor is ripening up, and with these CFL's it's not really costing me much in the way of electricity. So definately a greenhouse? Do you feel your plants get enough light that way? My outdoor garden isn't ideal for direct sunlight, and maybe gets 7-9 hours direct in the summer, so I was worried that a greenhouse might not be for me. But at the same time, I really would like to enclose my grow area for security, pest, and weater purposes...Anyway, you taking clones for me any time soon?its all good bro appreate someone commenting evryone looks but never leaves feedback my box is in my garage so rite know the heat dont bother it bathroom fan not very loud at all but i guess if it was in the same room could be a problem at home depot they have display boards with them mounted so you can hear the different types mine are just there cheap ones so the more expenseve ones are quitier i bought my dehumidifier on ebay was $80 with shipping was remanufactured from the company in a original box it normally costs around $300 i'm thinking in my flowering chamber 2 bathroom fans one blowing air in one blowing air out should be fine im hoping its an experiment if i cant keep my temps under control i'll just take my divider back out and have 1 chamber i have my greenhouse for the spring and summer so i probably wont use my box after a few more months thanks meta just trying to get some repect from everyone on here pissed a couple people off cuz i posted to check my grow out with a pic on their forum didnt see a problem but what ever im very happy about my grow hit me back up man
i have my medical card here in cali so yes mine is legal they say you have to keep it locked up mines only $389 at harbor freight tools and works great yeah that building might not work need glass panels all the way around itI'd love to be able to do a greenhouse, but want to make sure it's legal. I've got a 20x10 out building with 5 windows I was thinking of putting on the roof when I re-do it, but not sure if it would be enough light. Hate to do it then find out it's junk lol.