Looks like Magnesium deficiency which will cause N lockout. Check this out here:

See if you can get yourself some Epsom Salts. It only takes a little bit, like a teaspoon per gallon. Remember to take it easy, more doesn't mean faster or better.

Dissolve it in, water as usual, and then wait at least two days to see if that takes care of the problem.

While not needed, I'll usually add some molasses as well.
I disagree, I had an mg problem which I have took care of with Epsom salts in water. Mine showed as chlorosis of the leaves. Pale green leaves almost yellow with darker green veins.

This guys leaves look good to me, just new growth is a little pale, at worst I'd say you have a slight def in nitrogen. Maybe bump up the feed a quarter strength.. What are you feeding now op?
Like i said I'm a noob, but i am a fast learner and since I have had and successfully dealt with an mg def I feel pretty confident about what I put above.
right how essential are the Epsom salts and molasses Because not planning on buying anything else until Iv got my yield in
Like i said I'm a noob, but i am a fast learner and since I have had and successfully dealt with an mg def I feel pretty confident about what I put above.
Sorry to quote ya hahaha would you have any ideas for ventilation I have an inline fan and ducting just no cable or plug and I can't vent to the loft
I was thinking hanging the black and white polythene and useing it like a tent flap all nice and tight around the bottom and sides of the doors maybe use sticky Velcro tape to help keep air tight to keep pressure a hole at the bottom for intake and one at the top for exhaust that would blow out to the bedroom with the doors open
Sorry to quote ya hahaha would you have any ideas for ventilation I have an inline fan and ducting just no cable or plug and I can't vent to the loft
Get a cable and plug?? Lol is smell an issue for you or is the ventilation for temps and humidity? As far as I'm aware and concerned (smell will be an issue for me) you need an inline fan with good enough cfm rating to empty the air in your space, mines a little cupboard and I can't remember my cfm rating of my fan but it is supposed to be good enough for my needs, I made a diy carbon filter but when I attach that the draw (suction) through the filter is very weak, not sure if I maybe have to much carbon in my filter?

I know your inlet should be around half the size of your outlet. E.g. a 4inch duct fan on exhaust would require a 2 inch inlet, for my inlet it is nothing more than a 2 inch diameter hole in the bottom of my door. This will keep negative pressure.

But on the other hand my friends who also grow have no ventilation or carbon filter at all and his plants are looking nice 5 weeks in and smell doesn't seem to be an issue. (None of us can smell plants unless in the room, 7 plants currently in flower, I realise they are only 5 weeks in but it is not there first grow, they grew 4 plants last time with no substantial smell other then in the room from start to finish)

These are there plants
They have hps hence nice tall plants, cfl and small space means I need to grow a flat bush lol.

But also hps produces a lot more heat than a cfl and thus would increase smell production so if their plants aren't stinking their house out mine shouldn't either nor yours... How many you growing?
Looks like Magnesium deficiency which will cause N lockout. Check this out here:

See if you can get yourself some Epsom Salts. It only takes a little bit, like a teaspoon per gallon. Remember to take it easy, more doesn't mean faster or better.

Dissolve it in, water as usual, and then wait at least two days to see if that takes care of the problem.

While not needed, I'll usually add some molasses as well.
the plants fine a little nute burn and i would think if you give a plant magnesium in excessive amounts then nutrients effected nitrogen, it gets nute lockout .is that what your trying to say?
I disagree, I had an mg problem which I have took care of with Epsom salts in water. Mine showed as chlorosis of the leaves. Pale green leaves almost yellow with darker green veins.

This guys leaves look good to me, just new growth is a little pale, at worst I'd say you have a slight def in nitrogen. Maybe bump up the feed a quarter strength.. What are you feeding now op?
there different stages that can make it a challenge sometimes if its pale then its zinc early stage deficiency but it should find some