CFL Grow Journal


..i am just wondering...
If i change light cycle for 12/12 will it affect my auto flowering Afghan Kush Ryder.
I have been reading for some time about it and it seems to be ok for the plant.
What do You think people?
They say that "autos" will yield the best when given as much light as possible. So presumably that mean that giving them less light would be less than the possible yield. Of course that depends on many factors beside the light and it doesn't mean they won't yield good...just less than the maximum possible. Usually that's not a huge problem if you're growing multiple plants under the same lights and that's the only option you have to get them all to flower. But if you're growing under a few relatively low output CFLs then you're already well into the "less than possible" range it's a draw. I think I would still 12/12 it to get two for the variety.

To illustrate from my experience. (Just one of my many mistakes) A similar issue you may run into if you ever decide to grow multiple autos is that some of them may not auto flower. I'm growing 3 joint doctor diesel ryders (you can see my personal journal for pictures if interested) 2 out of 3 had the autoflower genes and 1 did not. Apparently the one carried forward the gene from the NYC Diesel father and would not autoflower on its own.

In this case, 3 plants was too much for my space so I opted to chop the one that did not autoflower and continue with 20/4 for the others. If I had enough space I would have gone 12/12 and had 3 plants. I'm pretty sure they all would still have some monster buds. But which one would have yielded more green is a tough one... 3 space constrained plants with half the light - vs.- 2 plants with adequate space and optimal light...


Thanks for input MojoResin
I decided to continue 18/6 , I am going to wait till Afghan Kush is ready.

Early girl is 56 days old


Afghan Kush Ryder is 50 days old been flowering for 32 days



Is it ready yet?
I don think so but maybe I am wrong.
