cfl grow room suggestions


Active Member
i want to begin a grow using CFL's and made a box from some scrap wood. do you guys think this will work? what should i do/add? i have 4 lights putting out 1750 lumens at 6000k daylight spectrum

dimensions are 17"Hx21"Wx26"L



Active Member
60+ views and nobody has nothing to say? why even be on forum.

this is what i ended up doing to the box have 4 grandaddy grape plants 5 lights and a fan


Active Member
Nice little veg box you have there. Take some more pics so we can see the plants up close. I'm not sure but by looking at the pics you have, it looks like you plangts a bit droopy. It looks like your drip trays have standing water or have had standing water in them. First you dont water in those trays at all. This will keep you soil too moiste, invite fungus and pests, cause your plant to be overwatered, and kill them. Good rule of thumb is to water you plants when they the top of soil is dry and dust (no mositure). Most ppl only need to water their plants once or twice a weeks. Try to get lights that are in the optimum spectrum range (6500k and 2700k). The advantage of cfls is that you can put the perfect spectrum on your veg and flowering, dont lose this advantage. What you have will do the trick but best to get the right specs. As smoke said, the box wont hold your plants when flowering, its too small. But thats not a big deal, make the roof higher or just build another box when your ready to flower. Since your growing outside, get some neem oil and spray it on your plants daily and the soil surface. Its a great deteriant for pests. Trust me, you dont fungus gnats, I'm dealing with that problem right now it is a pain. Ilike the reflectors on the lights, I thought of doing something similar but decided against it as I feared I might create a fire hazard. Nice box for a first go around. good luck.


Active Member
You could flower in there, but youll have to start 12/12 soon after your first transplant. Get the lights closer, and if your going to CFL the whole way through, make a reflector. Get a small fan blowing on the plants themselves too. PC fans are wonderful for that. I have a box, similar dimensions, but a lil bit taller. Do some research on "SCROG" thats what youll have to do in there. Start a grow log too, love to see how it turns out!!! Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
i would look into some 2ft 21w t5s from homedepot. they can be mounted flush to the roof and walls of you box leaving you with more room for the plants