CFL grow startedd 9/11/10


Well-Known Member
6 23watt and 1 43 watt im gonna add two more 23 watt bulbs this week too........................LST's great and i think its very true that it improves the female to male ratio but i dont have enuf grows to confirm that yet.............


Active Member
i am just blown away that i can't grow a single good plant with a 105 watt 6500k bulb and two 42 watt 6500K bulbs.... maybe i should jsut stick to outdoors... i really have no idea what is the deal with these plants. i must be the ph, everything else is good now: airflow, lights, heat, water.... it has to be the ph


Well-Known Member
i know the miracle grow potting mix that i'm using is at like a mid-5, so i set the ph of my water around low to mid-7 at the beginning of my grow. now i'm just ph'ing it to 6.4ish


Hey Jr.

Hope the growin is goin well...I managed to get lucky and my plant 5 weeks old decided to show HER true self :)

Got 9 CFLs on her, mixed spectrum but all 23 w...had 2 blues on her through about 3 weeks and then boosted more bulbs over the last week to 9 bulbs total (for now, perhaps more red during flower)

Moved her to the closet and set up a timer system w/ the lights and what total spent on everything is prolly up to about $40ish. Although I think my next stop is to create a grow cabinet...whenever I get some $ to play around w/

Can't wait to hear good news about yours.



Well-Known Member
same here banana man! haha checked mary out today and she decided to come out over the weekend :D continue to do little training with her via twistie tie/loose scrog


Active Member
not much has changed guys... sry about the lack of posts. doesn't seem like things will change too much so yea...

hope everyone elses grows are going well!

i'll check back in soon


Active Member
yea so my tops have been turning brown and are dry as fuck. the big one has been nice and green the last few days but i can start to see the outer edge of the lower leaves starting to turn yellowish. the plants seem to only be growing little heads and then jsut growing up but never sustaining any of the lower leaves so its just a stick with 2 tiers of leaves on top... i really hope this stops happening and its starts to retains its branches


Active Member
thier are little purple bumps i can see on the lower leafs, this happened to all the plants before they turned brown, then dry out and died. i hope its not a trend that will continue. but i after i saw that i added the other lights that i left in the old grow space. I now have (1) 105 watt 6500K bulb, (1) 42 watt 6500k bulbs and (1) 42 watt 2700K on top of the plant. i'm thinking about adding 2/3 of my 105 watt bulbs 2700k and flower the plant early.
what do you guys think?