CFL growing weird. help?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
a good rule of thumb to water is when the soil's first inch or so is dry it is time to water---later you will notice the weight of the potted plant. Pots are about ready for a t-plant get 3 gal nursery pots for your set up plenty big. When you water if you do not have a meter chances are the water is in the high 7's a 1/2 oz of white vinegar to a couple gal of h20 should bring it done a touch might even need a full shot glass of white vinegar to get teh ph down. Dont worry about getting into the 5's on the water the soil will straighten out.
That water should run out the bottom about 15% extra You put in 1 gallon water you should see about 16 oz run out the bottom and not sit in it let it run out and off---I use those trys for mixing morter or cement any Plastic tray that you can throw a few peices of something to get her off the bottom of the drain off area. I water my girls that are in a 5 gal nurse pot with 2-3 gal of water a shot then 4-5 days later pending on the weather. Again. you Def need to buy some Epsom salt for plants and flush 3 times the amount of water per container at 1 tbs per gal of salt or Mag Sulf. That will help wash that root ball full of yellow bile nutes that have been leaching in there with the slow death of over watering. Now get some sleep LOL!
guys i just change the whole setup.
less sketchy.
so tell me what do yall think.
An 'armoire'
bought that for $30 of craigslist.
did some work to it and voila.

check out the pics



Active Member
They recovered very well , if all goes well, you're going to get one hell of a smoke from those babies :X the new cab's looking better , you just need to add some reflective stuff on the wall's, and put a reflective hood on top of those cfl's , gotta say that the way you drilled the hole in to the lower shelf to allow that plant some room to grow amuzed the shit out of me :)), pretty ingenious , i'm curious how will that work for ya, have you considered topping ? or atleast for the one that is stretching ?

Subbed , check out my grow(in the sig) if you got some spare time .

Peace !


Active Member
Looking good exorcist. I like what you did with the "Skylight Hole" also....
Have you tried to do any LST on the plant? You may be able to recover more space that way.
If the stem is still flexible you should not have any problems with it.
imma look into that. but they are too thick to move around.
i dont wanna brake the stem.
lets see how this goes.
and my bulbs are 2700 majority


Well-Known Member
Lmao, you're bad as me man with afro engineering grow setups. Not that it's a bad thing just saying. Good job on the recovery process, looking good bud! :leaf:

edIT:Also, I would try and figure out something to cover all those light leaks there. Go to walmart and get you some weather stripping and apply anywhere you see light coming through. Oh and, if you do the weather stripping deal, make sure to get you an exhaust fan of some sort. As this will erduce on the heat escaping from the area. Need proper venting!
thanks for the tips yall.
imma make this the best armoire ever.

its just some trouble to cut in it. makes a mess.
and my roomates didnt even see that shit here