CFL indoor stretching before Hawaii Short Season


Active Member
Hey Flyn low! Lovely setup you have! i wish i lived in Hawaii! its good to hear Obama is leavin the medical users alone, he should be more worried about the drug lords who sell for other means ie gangs guns ect...
I'll be dropping by every few days so be sure to keep us updated!
Sup MikeyPeenz! Welcome aboard!:dunce:
Yes, very happy with the latest news on the Medical MJ ! can sleep a little easier knowing the feds are supposed to stop stealin plants from medical users that stay within the legal limits. I myself am a patient and i also legally grow for one other patient but in HI the allowed plant count is 7 per patient with only 3 flowering. Im happy we atleast get that. Although Nor Cal. laws would be much appreciated over here in HI :lol:
I will be updating tomorrow with several pics of what i got so far. Everything is looking good from this end! Loving the life in Hawaii
One love


Active Member
Update: Everythings looking good. Stoked :)
Heres pics of em and the box setup for the babies, i know it could be better with mylar/white paint on the inside of box but im making rubbermaid chambers for cloning, starting seeds, and even one for 2 small plants to flower.
Then the rest will go outside when they are 2 feet



Well-Known Member
Hey Flying, hows everything coming along! long time No see bro!! Hope the budda gods are good to you sir! best wishes this coming year!