CFL & LED together ?


Active Member
Man, I've said it before, and I'll say it again-as long as you are able to control your temps and your plants aren't getting burned from them, then the more lights, the better. The greater the lumen output, and the fuller the spectrum, the better your plants will do, period... So, although it is better to go with mh or cfl for supplemental lighting, you CAN use led's with hps, but I'd grab a mh or cfl first... Just keep your temperature where it needs to be, around 70-75 deg F, and with all of the other factors of a grow being up to par, or better(a nice thriving, living soil, proper watering and nutrient delivery, attention to any disease, mold, or pests, proper pruning techniques, especially during the early veg stages, proper pH balance, nice humidity levels, CO2 enriched environment, and just all-around tender, love, and care) you will have super-healthy plants that will love you, and give you some wonderful returns...
Can you use a MH light in veg along with a LED ?