CFL lighting setup HELP?


Well-Known Member
Thank you Guy-I cant afford to do more than 2 at a time-i ordered some autos to help the cycle
And heres the rub-im in pain management and get tested every 2 even if i had the BEST equipment, until I can get myself off these damn narcotics, an OZ would last me MONTHS


Well-Known Member
Thank you Guy-I cant afford to do more than 2 at a time-i ordered some autos to help the cycle
And heres the rub-im in pain management and get tested every 2 even if i had the BEST equipment, until I can get myself off these damn narcotics, an OZ would last me MONTHS
I hear you bud, I'm a MMJ patient myself. It was really tough getting started, trying to scrape together enough gear to make do and always needing more. I'm not a fan of the "do it best or don't bother" attitude myself, I know you can grow great flower with very little gear if you do the research. I have a 600w flower tent now, but I still use my little CFL box and the plant in it now is due to give me 30-40g of frosty nugs in about 2 weeks ;) Just a pile of junk I slapped together and stuffed 12 23w mixed spectrum CFLs into.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1 I chopped down an outside plant (anxiety for seven months) and all i had left was just a STICK FIGURE
TODAY at Dec 1, this is her just left alone with my cheap little CFL's


Well-Known Member
"Life finds a way"

*cue Jurassic Park theme*
been topping it and since its been a month on re-veg I THINK its ready for flower stage-Ive been topping it
what do you think?
Autos will start in a different closet but still all i have is CFL but they will be FLOODED


Well-Known Member
What did you do to that plant :o
Are you foliar feeding?
You've burnt the cunt out of the side leaves and all.
Want my personal opinion?
Make sure you have atleast 100W per plant, and piss that bottom light off.


Well-Known Member
What did you do to that plant :o
Are you foliar feeding?
You've burnt the cunt out of the side leaves and all.
Want my personal opinion?
Make sure you have atleast 100W per plant, and piss that bottom light off.
WOW..............never heard that but thank you for your input! lights have been moved-i got 2 more fixtures
All i did to that plant was let it sit-im sorry but i dont see anything burned-but YES im a rookie and im not arguing


Well-Known Member
All that browning of the side leaves and such?
If you want it to bush out you need to up the lights on both sides of the plant and on top.
If your happy with the way its growing veritically then keep the lights the same :P

Kevin the Great

Well-Known Member
Cheapest way to get CFL is to go to a used home center, like a thrift store for building materials, or even Craigslist. Pick up a cheap vanity light fixture or 2. Normally I can get an 8 light fixture for 5 bucks. Depending on how you set it up, you can save a lot by doing that. 16 CFL sockets all wired into 2 easy to use "strips" ready for bulbs for 10 bucks.

Kevin the Great

Well-Known Member
WOW..............never heard that but thank you for your input! lights have been moved-i got 2 more fixtures
All i did to that plant was let it sit-im sorry but i dont see anything burned-but YES im a rookie and im not arguing
Can you pull that plant apart a bit, some LST could go a long way with it in my opinion. You want as many leaves as possible to have their tops be fully covered by direct light.


New Member
hi,just seen your posts.ive just finished my first grow of 2 kera dwarfs.was not expectimg much.i used 3 135w cfls and got an oz dry off each.if your only doing one or two plants,jump on ebay.u can find big bulbs for in the photography section instead of grow lights.u will be amazed at the price difference.i got all 3 for around £18.bargain!!!


Well-Known Member

I have this light. 432 watt and 40,000 lumens.

This is a much better option.

I own the six and eight bulb model. They have a bunch of 2ft and 4ft models.
They come with your choice of bulbs. Ask for 50/50 mix of 300k and 6500k bulbs and run it from start to finish.

They have multiple switches. As the plants get bigger, you turn more bulbs on.
Hey nice man I've been looking for an 8 bulb t5 that will fit in my space,I have the 6 bulb badboy but it barely fits in the space.


New Member
My space is a home build.its like a big coffin!! a tripple cheese at 3ish weeks old.looking foward to this as its only my 2nd grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey nice man I've been looking for an 8 bulb t5 that will fit in my space,I have the 6 bulb badboy but it barely fits in the space.
The bulbs are double stacked. If I trimmed the reflector I could squeeze two of them in that 2x4. 864 watts in a small cab. o_O(: