CFL LOW RYDER #2 Rubbermaid


Well-Known Member
regardless... they are looking good... kep it up man... and i love the two story rubbermaid.. it seems like it will work fine... i am going to hook my fan up like that to a box and then run a dryer hose from it.. that way i wont have to worry about lite leaks and i can place the box by my ac vent to make sure it gets cool air...


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know what ya mean when ya say ya gotta get to know em....thru veg i was wattering wet dry pretty much. The conclusion i have gotten from many readings is that letting ur plant dry out and then hit it with consistant waterings is the way to go. The plant likes this and its puts the gardener on a sched aswell. This helps to identify or diagnose issues thru your grow. Yesterday i waterd and no more sag.....Action and result. I believe the curling is nothing more then a lil nute deficincy. Im goin to let dry out and hit with first flower nutes.

Anyone have any good sites to pick up 42 watt and up cfls for a good price?


Well-Known Member
Day 19

Alrighty, we have arrived at day 19....This is bit of a big update....many things have gone on over the last 7 days. First off, the plants are showing first signs of flower. Beautiful twin pistols popping....Thick & less hair like...i hope for this to be an inklink of thick full buds.... As for the grow everything has gone smoothly..The only kick up iv had is the good old Nute Burn....very minor but definit classic nute burn...I spoon fed too, so i was bit suprised. They have seemed to fight it well tho. Only made its way to second node. Got a pic showing NB.


Lets see what els??? Oh yes..Transplants were made...They were grown in 5" X 5" pots and were just hitting rootbound on day that can kind of give you a gage of growth...They are now in 10 in round pots this is enough but really could be more.



Nextly...I have expanded grow space...I went and purchused another rubbermaid and used the classic blue print contruction. Glued/taped tops together and cut hole in it....Added another cfl...This brings my total too.......Getting calculater.....

CFL Watts - 169 (54W 5600) (115W 2700)
Lumens - 13100

I think this should be final resting place for my girls...With first sign og flowering i changed my lights from 24/24 too 20/4...I think the rest will help and the sun goin down will shock her. Temps go down to round 60 at night and bout 80 when suns up. Humidity reaches 70sh at night and high 30s in day...depending on irrigation.

Ok so i do have one problem....Does anyone have any ideas why my leaves woould be curling under themselves...The leaves have a good color...i will say that they are not very soft....very rigid and harder then soft.




Well-Known Member
very nice man. thats alotta watts. im in a 1.5 by 1.5 feet and 26 inches tall. got 2 42 watt cfls and a 26 watt cfl. good luck