Well I've gone from 2 stealthy plants to 4 plants sitting in a tent in my basement.
Definitely not stealth anymore but the setup keeps improving. Here's our latest after a trip to lowes. We built a little frame with light sockets. We've got 19 lights in there right now and will have more

We're running right around 100W per plant. We shielded the top with tin foil even so we've got a basic reflector.
Our plan for the future is to use this same setup for a continual harvvest of autos. We plan to start one plant every week and so we'll have 8 plants at any given time.
Can't wait to see what these babies yield in the end.
One hempy had a rough life so it's not very big and rather sick looking leaves. It's new growth is good, just stunted. We're just letting it do it's own thing. The other hempy has stayed short but grown wide. It has almost all it's nodes on top of each other with very little stretch.
Both potted plants are looking very nice with plenty of pistils shooting all over the place. Out of the 5 seeds we had, these four were all female and the right strain. A+ for Attitude. Starting the 5th today.
As always here's some pics
Shot from a few feet outside the tent.
An overview of the inside setup. Total cost of materials for new stuff is around 60 bucks.
Our tallest and most sexy looking. It's got a bit of stretch but a lot of branching and bud sites
Hope you enjoy. Questions or comments?