CFL noob


I'm just about a month into my first grow. I don't know if I have male or females. I have a few questions:
a) Would it be a bad idea to put in flower cycle to find sex?
b) How long should I let the plant stay in the Veg cycle?
c) How early would I be able to cut some clones?

Most of my leaves are a good green colour, but a few have yellowed, or browned ends. What could be causing this?


Well-Known Member
I'm just about a month into my first grow. I don't know if I have male or females. I have a few questions:
a) Would it be a bad idea to put in flower cycle to find sex?
b) How long should I let the plant stay in the Veg cycle?
c) How early would I be able to cut some clones?

Most of my leaves are a good green colour, but a few have yellowed, or browned ends. What could be causing this?
All depends on how big you want your plant really. Honestly if I were in your situation I would start to cut back the light cycle to get some pre flowers. Sounds like you only have one plant and it would be lame to get a male so might as well find out sooner than later imo. Clones should have 3-4 nodes on them. like I said you could induce flowering to figure out the sex and if its female, put it back under 18/6 if you want a bigger plant. Good luck :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
putting in flower is up to personal preference. if you have the space you can let them babies veg for awhile yet. most ppl do flower at around a month or two. i just put my pineapple express in flower 3 daze ago after veggin for two months, she's gonna be a monster i see it already..

as for cloning you could wait to sex them with 12/12 first to see which are male n fems first. thats what i would do. u dont wanna waste time cloning males, fuck that.. takes bout two weeks or so for the fems to reveal themselves unless u veg them until they reach their sexual maturity like i did to tell me what i had. and remember males usuallly show before females with their lil balls..


I was thinking a temporary flower to determine sex.
Also, as my topic said "cfl noob", with emphasis on the "noob" What is a node?

First Time Growin

Active Member
Most of my leaves are a good green colour, but a few have yellowed, or browned ends. What could be causing this?

that should answer your questions, hopefully. if not just ask again :D(hopefully with pictures to help diagnose the problem)

I was thinking a temporary flower to determine sex.
Also, as my topic said "cfl noob", with emphasis on the "noob" What is a node?
"Node -- The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; a joint" - MajoR_TokE


Well-Known Member
Flowering to determine sex and then re vegging adds about 4-5 weeks total to growth cycle and adds alot of stress to the plant..However i have done this in the past with a decent outcome ..As far as cloning goes you should have atleast 4-5 alternating nodes and the branch you are cutting should have 3-4 nodes also..Now these are only from my experiences and what i have learned in my years growing..Id never claim to be an expert..But i can grow some trees that blow ur i helped, goodluck


Well-Known Member
Starting from a seed, how tall should my plant be at a little over a month?
To many variables to determine what it "should" be at...But to give you a good estimated height id say 9-12 inches in mediocre conditions..hope i helped

Mr Bomb

Active Member
I'm just about a month into my first grow. I don't know if I have male or females. I have a few questions:
a) Would it be a bad idea to put in flower cycle to find sex?
b) How long should I let the plant stay in the Veg cycle?
c) How early would I be able to cut some clones?

Most of my leaves are a good green colour, but a few have yellowed, or browned ends. What could be causing this?
a) Its not a bad idea but once sex is determined you will need to switch them back to veg until the desired size is reached. It will add a week or two to your veg time but save you hassle later.

b) Let the plant stay in veg until it reaches about 1/3 to 1/2 of the height you want it to be when finished flowering. I normally veg for two months regardless of size but Im not dealing with space issues either. Generally, the longer you veg the larger your plant will be and the more you will yield.

c) You should be able to take clones at any time during veg and even during flowering. Assuming the plant is in good health and not stressed of course. Its better to take them during veg that way you dont have to take the time switching the clones back to veg.

A final peice of advice to an admitted CFL noob: Take back your CFL's and buy a HID like a hps. You will get much better results, trust me.:leaf:


k, my plants are very very tiny for 6 weeks. They are like 3-5 inches.
Is this lack or light or, not enough room for the roots?