Cfl or hps?!?


Active Member
niceone mate, uve just put my mind at rest lol :P, i get very paranoid about if im doing it all right seen as tho my last two plants died on me :/ ha, when my seedlings hatch will they be oki under the 400 watt light? becos i dnt wana toast them
yea just dont have it real close, like u would with cfl's.....i put my seeds in paper towel and put the paper towel ona saucer with seran wrap over it, run fresh water over it daily and when they are sprouts out of the shell, i put em in dirt under my hps cant afford T-5s right now but when i can i will be using that for vegging but hps works just fine....make sure you have a fan in there tho....


Well-Known Member
thanks alot mate, its decent to talk to some lads that no what there onabout lol. il probably have to infest on a filter for the smell when the plants get big enuf. but im going to get myself a exhaust fan then hopefully i shudnt have any more problems. do i have to supply fresh oxygen to the plants all the time :/ ?


Active Member
i totally agree with sso, spending your money ona gro set up instead of buying bags, your money will be around alot longer lol....makes sence to me.....and i agree with you on exhausting too, gotta have a good exhaust system makes a world of difference....


Well-Known Member
yee i will do lad, and i dont realy buy much weed anymore got a little girl on the way so me and the missus are even more skint lol, but i keep telling her all this is investment for when these big buds get here lol haha ;)


Active Member
yup you got that rite...took me a while to get that threw my wifes head lol.....but after the first harvest she was like oh yea! for supplying oxygen to the plants u have to have your intake at the bottom of your grow room opposite your exhaust (exhaust is gonna be up top if u didnt already kno that) i have a 4 inch exhaust and a 6inch intake...hope this helps ...


Well-Known Member
lol yee i no where your coming from mate, my missus is realy stubborn ha, but im sure her mind will change when she sees the money :P, erm i thought all i had to get was an exhaust fan? and one pipe coming out of my grow area? bet i sound like a right dumbass haha

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
intake isnt as important....the exhaust will suck air from all ur openings....but for an optimal setup and optimal harvest, u will want one


Active Member
lol yee i no where your coming from mate, my missus is realy stubborn ha, but im sure her mind will change when she sees the money :P, erm i thought all i had to get was an exhaust fan? and one pipe coming out of my grow area? bet i sound like a right dumbass haha
no your just learning my friend, you shoulda seen my first setup i got it fine tuned and cant wait for this harvest, ill be switching to 12/12 on next fri... :)


Active Member
intake isnt as important....the exhaust will suck air from all ur openings....but for an optimal setup and optimal harvest, u will want one
no its not but when i had my intake the same size as the exhaust the temps were running almost ten degrees higher.....having an intake helps alot, but i built a box too tho so there arent many othere cracks or holes lol


Well-Known Member
its alright for some isnt it :P lol, when i get my exhaust fan il take a few pics and post them up for you mate let me no what u think :), and too jakabok post, what do you mean? are you saying long as i have an exhaust i dont need an intake aswell?


Well-Known Member
well my temps in the airing cuboard and 40 degrees when i have the light on, when i have the exhaust fan sucking hot air out, what do u think the temp will go down to ?


Active Member
just depends on cfm of fan and if you do have an intake or i was saying before my temps dropped like ten degrees....


Well-Known Member
well say i just had the exhaust fan, and a normall fan circulating the air, do you think the temps will go down mate? cos i think i can only afford one at the minute. pritty skint lol only got 3 months left till babys here :)


Active Member
oh yea the temps will drop alot more than they are...i added a 165cfm fan from hydrofarm with a speed controler and i dont have the speed all the way up, my temps use to be upper 80s even got into the 90s at times now they dont get above i think your temps will drop for sure


Active Member
thats good to hear then mate, will the plants suffer if i dont get an intake? or will it be fine ?
well depends how "air tight" your grow box is, if its fairly air tight and not much air gets in then you wont notice much change in temps thus harming your plants (heat stress), if its not as air tight and it sux enough air threw it then u should be fine....


Well-Known Member
well its in an airing cuboard with sheets wrapped around the walls, but the light still shines threw the cracks of the door if you no what i mean?


Active Member
well its in an airing cuboard with sheets wrapped around the walls, but the light still shines threw the cracks of the door if you no what i mean?
right on, you may be might have to experiment with it a little like i did till i got mine perfect, i finally got fed up with the high temps and did alot of research on passive intakes and such and then i finally just cut my intake hole bigger thats when i was like oh yea thats better lol


Well-Known Member
lol i think thats all im going to have to do, well il get my exhaust fan and pipe this weekend hopefully see what difference that makes, then if its still to high il have to get a intake, because i think it gets enuf oxygen when i open the door to look at the plants etc?