CFL/PLANT ratio I have questions!


Well-Known Member
Hey, im pretty new to this so ill try to be as precise as possible. I am going to grow two blue cheese and one papaya. I am going to use 4x42W(6400k) 4x42W(2700k). My question is: What will be the optimal way of putting the lights? 4x 6400k for vegetation stage and 4x2700k for flowering? Can I put like one or two 2700 and four 6400 for veg? and opposite for Flowering? WHATS THE BEST?

Thank you guys, im looking forward to your answers!


Well-Known Member
you could maybe get away with four for veg the first two weeks, but after that you would want to run all 8 and maybe add some more for three plants, unless your only trying to yield an ounce from all three combined


Well-Known Member
But is it bad for the plant to run 2700k and 6400k at the same time? Will it change anything for the transition from veg to flower?
And btw, place is not too much of a problem, so do you think i could optimize the disposition of the lights? Like in a triangle form with one in the middle two on top two on the sides or something like that?
And thanks for the reply man! Always apreciated.


Active Member
In a thread of mine, I got a response saying that it's okay to mix them up, such as two 6400K and two 2700K.
Just make sure that when new leaves sprout, make sure that the lower leaves still get a lot of light. Like some lights on the side of the plant as well as the top.
Hi Uranium, I vegged my plant under a Secret jardin 2 x 75 watt TNeon , 4 x 58 watt 5000k florescents and 13 x 23 watt warm whites., I'm now into two weeks of flowering. My plant loved both spectrums in veg, it's huge now. It seems to be flowering well with the same bulbs, pistlils and buds forming everywhere. I'd recommend using both spectrums and the use side lights for the bottoms of the plants. Best of luck with your grow.