CFL Super Lemon Haze grow....


Active Member

First time poster, long time listener....been reading this mb for a while and would appreciate any help on my first grow attempt ....I plan on modeling my grow very much after Garden Knowm's "Buds for Less" book....

I have a very general question....I am going to be growing some Super Lemon Haze, and am looking for a second strand to grow along with, I will be using all feminised seeds for both strands, and am most likely looking at a 2.5 x 2.5 x 6 grow area....Are there certain strands that do not grow beside each other well? Is there any reason you can't grow indicas and sativas together???

I am sure one thing I should take into consideration is the veg/flowering time of the two strands, not too sure where to begin in picking the slh a roommate...... I have my eyes on several strands and wanted to ask some advice before making the selection....I wouldn't mind going with some Strawberry Haze, but am also considering growing an indica strand as well...any recos on a nice complimentary indica ? or any thing else I should take into consideration??

Much thanks to all for helping a newb...


Active Member
Damn nice looking garden... so you have several strands in there, does that mean it's wide open on what I grow with my slh???

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
sure i don't see why not. SLH is a heavy feeder and pretty resilient so you should be able to get away with many varieties growing close by... bongsmilie

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
oh yeah, if you want a good indica variety go with white Russian some of the best weed i have ever grown/smoked. Stable plant with great yields and ease of growth...bongsmilie


The issue with growing an Indica and Sativa together is the difference in plant height. With the Sativa being taller and using only one light fixture, the sativa would be closer to the fixture and thus recieve more light energy than the Indica. More light = higher yield, Less light = lower yield. Growing two strains of similar height would be a more efficient use of light and produce a larger overall yield.

If you're not concerned with yield, sure, go for it, they'll happilly coexist.


Well-Known Member
The issue with growing an Indica and Sativa together is the difference in plant height. With the Sativa being taller and using only one light fixture, the sativa would be closer to the fixture and thus recieve more light energy than the Indica. More light = higher yield, Less light = lower yield. Growing two strains of similar height would be a more efficient use of light and produce a larger overall yield.

If you're not concerned with yield, sure, go for it, they'll happilly coexist.

I've been in that situation and this is what i did.
You are obviously correct sativas grow a lot higher and indicas a lot smaller.
But I simply had my indicas on a table and my sativas on the ground. i had it perfect too. i'd have like my indicas on a table in the middle and the sativa's surrounding this small table. (if you wanted an even canopy you could customize it for that.) but i would have the outside plants (in my case the sativas) a little higher. Just because around the outside of the grow space - light dissipates more. Because it travels farther. So i'd have the outside plants just slightly higher.

Just a suggestion!

If you are growing with cfls, it really doesn't matter if the second strain is indica or sativa, I assume you are gonna surround your plants with lights? that means that height makes no difference as you are posisitioning your individual bulbs around the individual plants, not to mention you could always lower lights to the indica, or raise the indica to the lights as mentioned, but again, i assume you are gonna surround your plants, i would get an Indica strain so you have both, my suggestion for your second strain is Paradise Seeds Wappa Feminized:

Characteristics : Wappas fruity nugs are great head candy, creating an intense high. The buzz comes on strong, with a pleasant onset. It is a luminous high that nudges open the doors of perception.
Wappa is a stout-statured and stable Indica variety. Wappa’s short indoor size makes her a good choice for gardeners with limited room. Her unique stone offers Indica body relaxation without the couchlock. She is a robust plant that quickly becomes the darling of the grow room, with her attractive appearance, ease in cultivation and fast yield. When forced to flower at 1 foot (30 cm), she just about doubles in size by maturity, producing big chunky colas that fill the air with sweetness, aromas composed of fruits and sugars. Wappa has a high calyx-to-leaf ratio, which makes her a breeze to manicure.

Looks like it would compliment the Super Lemon Haze wonderfully,And it has a long flowering period for an Indica so it should match a sativa very well, I hope I was of help, I will subscribe to this once you start your grow so I can try to help as much as possible, you can also check out my journal (link in sig) if you wanna see some Shiva Afgani (Wonderful Indica/Sativa Hybrid) About a week and a day into flower
I have a very general question....I am going to be growing some Super Lemon Haze, and am looking for a second strand to grow along with, I will be using all feminised seeds for both strands, and am most likely looking at a 2.5 x 2.5 x 6 grow area....


Just wondering how things went with the SLH. I've got one that's been vegging for about a month and I'm curious how tall it gets during flowering.

Hope the grow went well. Thanks for any feedback.