CFL to 150W HPS


Active Member
So my large fan leaves Are turning yellow and falling off. And some of the lowers. I get my shit wednesday.


Active Member
So I found some spider mites on one of the plants. I only found 3 (im sure there is more). I sprayed fox farms don't bug me. I sprayed the tops and undersides of the leafs, I am hoping i caught them in time. Should i spray all the plants just to be safe? I think 2 of the plants will be harvested in 2 or 3 weeks. that will put them at 7 or 8 weeks. I tried to stay away from the buds. How bad is it to get the spray on the buds? Thanks


Active Member
Well the spider mites seem to have hit the road. I defiantly caught that in time. I received my PH adjuster got my water to 6.5 and flushed the girls. When do you think i should start feeding them again. They are looking pretty bad :(


Active Member
So i have been through the plant problem tread trying to identify these spots.

they are on about 4 of my plants and only getting worse. I just got my PH stuff yesterday and flushed. I am gonna feed them tomorrow. I am looking to find out what this could possibly be.

The last 2 pics are my Mystery weed (close up) and bullrider about 39 days. Not sure on exact number but its close. From what i have read is that it is normal for the leaves to start dying off. So I think it is doing good. keyword "think" lol

This is my fist time getting to this stage so you could say im just taking it day by day. Thanks




Active Member
the only thing i can think these spots are from is spider mites but i can't find any. I sprayed them just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
leaves yeowing towards the end of flower is natural, plus that container is extremely small for a plant that size imo, sure you can do it but why? bigger root systems=bigger plants. spider mites can be hard as hell to remove, when you sptrayed the plants did you have the lights on?


Active Member
Yes i agree with you on the bigger pots. The reason i did this was because i originally had these in my garage and my box in there isnt big enough to put 8 plants in full size pots. I was also worried about odor with big plants because I live in a apartment. I also recieved 6 of the clones for free. so i didn't just want to kill them because i didn't have room. Next grow i will have 2 maybe 3 plants in in 2 or 3 gallon pots, now that i have a flowering box in my bedroom with HPS. I sprayed the plants just before lights out. I thought the spray would burn the leafs. I am pretty sure I have 4 more weeks left of flowering I believe. I was reading that snowcap is a 8-9 week. Thanks again for your help.


Well-Known Member
you were right to worry about it burning the leaves, thats what i figured your yellow spotting was coming from, its still possible but I'm not so sure about it after your answer.