CFL Type for Veg

if I have to go into the big city I will its only 40mins away. I sure hate to order. Just dont like searching all over town and comming up flat. But ordering Online has been easy for me, just I dont want any nosies rosies poking around my business.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
if I have to go into the big city I will its only 40mins away. I sure hate to order. Just dont like searching all over town and comming up flat. But ordering Online has been easy for me, just I dont want any nosies rosies poking around my business.
Well you don't have to make that trip any time soon cus you have your veg bulbs already. You won't need flower bulbs for a little while so just remember to take them back next time you run into town. Just remember to exchange them for soft white bulbs.


Active Member
i guess it just requires more than one person to tell someone what kind of light they need to get before they get not saying ur dumb. but i do remember saying u need 2700k for flower and 6500k for vegg
i guess it just requires more than one person to tell someone what kind of light they need to get before they get not saying ur dumb. but i do remember saying u need 2700k for flower and 6500k for vegg
I am confused and slow at times, its not your fault, it my lack of learning the curve. As i read and search the game is slowing down enought for me to understand. You Play to Win the Game! if you watch NFL its my hummor.
Learned somthing just now tho, Did you know each of the cfl bulbs has a small ballast inside? V. Cleaver.. This is why some may fail? Nice to have a light metter around, huh. or do they just fail, maybe you can re use old parts?? But I am all to sure you guys know it already.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Learned somthing just now tho, Did you know each of the cfl bulbs has a small ballast inside? V. Cleaver.. This is why some may fail? Nice to have a light metter around, huh. or do they just fail, maybe you can re use old parts?? But I am all to sure you guys know it already.
Yeah they say they last 5 yrs but I have had some that last a month! It just isn't worth my time to go argue with the Wal Mart morons to get my $2.00 back. I just go buy more. How many plants are you going to grow? Also keep those lights as close as you can to your plants.
I am starting 8 and i want to pick the best 4. They come from good green green skunky bagseed and and some red haired stuff i got once that reminded me of what I called scentimillion which I haven't tasted since high school; but it had gotten a lil' moldy and it was a werid taste, so im hoping ill get luckly with the red haired seeds.
scentimillion, what is the right word here, ha I kinda just adlib. I just know I haven't found that type of smoke since high school. I sure like to grow it, but describing it today it next to impossiable. But the taste was like nothing you'll ever forget, he called it scent/since/ somthing like that.


Active Member
it all good bro everyone learns at there own pace i guess i just need to smoke a bowl...
but anyways...ya im pretty sure all flouroecents require ballasts...just like you can hear the flouro tubes glad the cfl ballasts are cheaper then HPS and MH ballasts lol
I found that Bulb this time, Its like 4 times the size of them other bulbs, 300w/ using 70w 6500k, cost $16 Look big for a small area.. its like 12 to 14 inches long. wham, cant wait to fire it up? these will work with 110 outlets?


Active Member
yes they will work i have 2 of them on an outlet and you can run more than that but only if your circuit is not being used...if its in your room with your computer, xbox, tv, clock....whatever than you have to worry about how many amps your dont wanna go past 12-13 for a 15 amp circuit...safer that way
this is getting funny, the base is too large. Is that what I am to exspect from these type of bulbs? Can I find the right bulb with a typical light outlet/base. If you can show me a picture of one? I Have went down every shelf looking these bulbs; both home depot and lowes.
the base of the bulb is too big. I was hopeing you show me a (shopping cart) type picture of the actual bulb.. I have like 5 differnt bulbs now, ha I got the right one for flowering, but cant get my hands on a veg 6500k 75w bulb.
actually...if you can get 26 watters or 27 watters i would do that...the smaller ones have a bigger lumen-to-watt ratio than the bigger, 75 watters.
like these...
or these...but you gotta scroll to find the pics of them...

Ok kewl I have them bulbs; Just didnt think they were quite strong enough. Hey -Thanks for working with me here.. Here is somthing I put together to buy me some time. Look at the lights arrangement.


this is day 3 and not quiet finnished, need to do some put in some PC fans.


Active Member
hey no problem man...everyones gotta start somewhere. do you have seeds in those little starter pots down there? if so you should put them under somthing to get them about 1-3 inches away.
and you said you only have flower-2700k lights right?
No I have them bulbs you that you showed me, the say 100 watts but they are only like 30 watts. I just couldnt find the true 60-75 ones, and when I did.. the bulb base was too large for the socket. So thoese are 4 of them bulbs you posted, it looks yellow becuase of my camera. but it Looks like the lord himself is about to walk through that light it is so bright.

Seeds, Yes Just poped, and I put that 4 tray down on the bottom for looks. Grins.. wasnt sure if my camera was even going to make a picture with all that light. I havent found the shelves for it yet and I might get some polished aluminum.. I have a few days yet.. I use something to get them closer, asap..


Active Member
ya dont let that confuse have to look for watts used...the 100w equivilent gets alot of people.
i asked because i noticed the lights you have now are for flowering...they will still grow but the plant uses more of the blue spectrum during vegg.