CFL, Virginity Grow :S Ghetto bagseed, party cup MAHYEM!


Active Member
Thanks dude. Well, I was sittin' here browsin' the interweb and look what I found! Because it's my journal I can talk about what ever I want, and --->THIS<--- is pretty intense.
thats pretty awesome. I just read through some of the articles. I actually subscribe to wired and was reading about the soldier that got a hand transplant. There is also one about using lasers instead of sutures. one step closer to star trek I guess.


Active Member
Ah jeeze, start trek would be a waste of our technological possibilities. We'll definitely have robots that can act better then most the people on that show soon.


Active Member
Ah jeeze, start trek would be a waste of our technological possibilities. We'll definitely have robots that can act better then most the people on that show soon.
People have been saying that since the 60s. Were still not at humanoid robots that can walk without busting a joint.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
yO d nice article man ... since u guys are talking tek ... let me show you this !!


I am going to build something like this to watch over my outdoor ;)


Looking good D.tea....don't care what anyone says smoke is smoke and it taste better when you grow it yourself. We need some more pics!


Active Member
Yes, more pics is needed, but a camera is needed for those. BUUUUT seeing as I am a Ghetto Grower We'll see what I can do. Theres always a way. Its sooo close to harvest to. YUM!


Active Member
Well, although I couldn't keep up with pics. I did harvest, and it is drying! So we'll see how it ends up. Maybe I'll hunt a camera down and at least get a picture of the harvest. I dont want this to be a complete fail journal. There has been some pot, and it doesn't look terrible. I'll get pics I promise. And obvi will be a smoke report.


Active Member
Disappear I did not, but lose internet for some while I did. I guess to finish this thread off a smoke report is necessary. Off my one plant I got 35g dry. Smoke was great. My friends loved it and it lasted longer then that amount would normally so that to me is a testament to its greatness.

It was so orange, that I called it the Angry Ginger (I being ginger think its rather clever :)) Anyway, I will be starting a new grow with some Snowryder auto's from Short Stuff Seeds off of Attitude. You guys should come by that too.