
Well-Known Member
the cfls used less than 1/10th the energy than the hps but only yielded half less i would maybe try using 2 times as many cfls and see what goes down


Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the time and resources to do that experiment for all of us. i appreciate the gift of knowledge!


Well-Known Member
I agree Awesome thread being that this is my first grow and I'm using CFL, I would be completely happy if I could yield what you did in this experiment using CFL, however I'm saving up for a 400w HPS system maybe for next grow this grow is purely trying to gain some experience, I know that if I can successfully do a CFL grow than I would be able to do a CFL and HPS grow, thanks for this experiment and thread, looking forward to your next.


Well-Known Member
how long will it be for the 1000hps 1000cfl 1000mh? as that going to be rily good? very cool thread+rep:weed::hug:


Well-Known Member
how long will it be for the 1000hps 1000cfl 1000mh? as that going to be rily good? very cool thread+rep:weed::hug:
honestly i dont really know. i just moved into a new house so all the moms i had are gone. ive got to get my clone numbers up enough to make it worth while. im not going to grow just 3 plants per light again. it costs to much and is way to much work for the small yields. i think my next "VS" thread will be the hps vs cfl vs mh, all 1000watt but in a sog or scrog.just got get me some good fems first.


Active Member
ok i started to flower them all today. i took pics of just the best plants under each light. the HPS and CFLs are to big to take the whole tub out without risking brakeing the plants. i wont be adding CO2 or any kind of bud boosters to this crop. they will just have GH 3 part mixed 0/2/3 (G/M/B) and cal/mag plus.
the HPS is starting to really show more growth than the CFLs now that the plants are getting big. the CFLs just dont reach far enough down into the plant and the bottom leaves are starting to drop off alil. but thats expected from those lights on a 2' tall plant i guess. and the long tube floros are still sad looking. you can really see the difference in the size of the roots now. the HPS plants roots are huge, but a close 2nd with the CFLs and the long tube floros are small and thin. im letting all the plants just grow without any pruning at all. :peace:

pic1 is of the long tube floro plant
pic2 is of the HPS plant
pic3 is of the CFL plant
just found your thread and i wanted to say they have a 125 watt cfl that is bad ass it puts out a lil over 10,000 lumens


Active Member
Props on this great thread man! I am on my first indoor grow and i have just 2 shoplight 4' fixtures so its 160 watts, and my plants are doing much better than your tubes. I have to say I'm a fan of fluoro's. I got about 20 hours on this site trying to decide what light i should use to use to bud! I cant afford the hid's right now. I looked at a bunch of cfl's at wally world but i havent bought any just yet. But I am seriously considering keeping them under my shoplights and adding some cfl's to the sides like you mentioned! Kick ass experiment bro!


Active Member
congrads i have a 1000w HPS thats superdooper badass it puts out alil over 150,000 lumans lol
alright yea no shit it puts out 150,000 lumens plants can only use so much of that and the only reason i said it was badass is because if u want to save money they have a 6 bulb version useing those 125 watt cfl's and it produces less heat and puts out like 78,000 lumens and thats plenty to grow 10 healthy fems 6 ft tall and up to 2 1/2 inch from the lights and with this lights the spectrum they put out makes them grow thick and tall with alot of cola like nearly 15 oz a plant// i grew like this mysell before my house lit on fire by my roommate and i lost all my light systems they grow great. A quality cola i made 120 a 1/4 with the cola that came off of them


Active Member
Thanks a lot th3bigbad, for taking the time to do this experiment, and for sharing the results with us :).

I have just started a small grow (6 plants) under 2x 35w 6400K CFLs (Equivalent to 2x175w = 350w). I had intended to just break-in the seedlings under the CFLs and then switch to MH after a few weeks and then on to HPS for flowering, but after reading this thread I might just add more CFLs and skip the MH stage completely.

It's also a good way of reducing your carbon footprint, and helping you feel less guilty when smoking the proceeds ;).


Well-Known Member
I would still like to see a closer wattage or better yet closer initial lumens comparison... =]

Nice grow though... Shows that CFL's CAN actually get the job done... Even at lower wattage's... =P


very very nice, what if u veged with cfls and flowered with hps? would that create some nice results? verses just hps or just cfl? anyways very nice experiments, im glad somebody did something like this. i guess the cfl is what everyone says it is, hps and mh are overated i think, although hps is good for flowering, the cost and mobility difference with the cfls makes up for the lack of spectrum.

toke toke toke