Bomb J

bongsmilieI'm Using 2 20watt(i don't know the calvin) cfls and 2 27watt cfl (5000 Calvin each) they are currently on one plant. Is that enough? the plant is about 1 inch tall but one of the round leafs is curling up. whats wrong with it? the lights are about 2 inchs away from the plant could it be burning it? I have place a fan to blow over the lights and plant. i think that would help. oh also i have been keeping the lights on for 24 hours>
Could any one please guide me a little bit

King Pacal

Need to see pictures. Leaves will act differently when stressed. You may actually have too much light for one plant. If you didn't poke holes in the bottom of that cup you probably should. It may not be getting enough water either. Or the soil may be scorching it. I'm not an expert on pot. But I do know a great deal about plants in general.

Bomb J

Need to see pictures. Leaves will act differently when stressed. You may actually have too much light for one plant. If you didn't poke holes in the bottom of that cup you probably should. It may not be getting enough water either. Or the soil may be scorching it. I'm not an expert on pot. But I do know a great deal about plants in general.
Really? to much light what is a good plant to light ratio


when seedlings or clones are young, you should give em a little more space from the light try raising the light to 12 inches away to reduce excess light exposure on the young foliage. also try a twentylight 4 dark cycle it will help the little guy to recuperate. 2 weeks max in that container, if the second set of leaves has formed it may be time to transplant. healthy roots equal healthy plants.

Bomb J

Thanks for the advice. but i'm kinda confused ive been reading on alot of these forums and everyone well almost everyone says keep the lights a couple inchs away from the seedling. :?:


Well-Known Member
I'm by no means an overly-experienced grower, but I have never had any issues keeping crap tons of light on my plants in it's early stages. I always go with the "more the better" motto with light, and the light has never caused me any issues. Just my $0.02.

Bomb J

I'm by no means an overly-experienced grower, but I have never had any issues keeping crap tons of light on my plants in it's early stages. I always go with the "more the better" motto with light, and the light has never caused me any issues. Just my $0.02.
thanks i think i will keep as many lights on it as i have. but how far way should i keep the lights, and what does the second set of leaves look like? i have a total of four, two of them are normal (the first two it formed) and the other two are more fan like. if this is considered the second set of leaves should i transplant to bigger pot

Bomb J

oh and can i use the bottom of a 2 liter bottle (mountain dew) i just figured mountain dew cause the bottle is kinda colored like a green house. it may be a stupid idea just kinda throwing that at there, really new to this kinda thing


New Member
Ive grown a few grows with cfl,s so I have experiance with them. You want to keep the light within an inch or two from the top of your plant to prevent stretching.
Believe me, if you put the light 12 inches away, the result will be a very long lanky weak stemmed plant.
Ive used damn near 600 watts of cfl,s on one plant so the more light the better. I wouldnt add any more lighting until your lady has reached about 5 inches tall or so, then bombard her with cfl,s.
What kind of soil are you using? (If your using soil) How often do you water?
It would really help if you had some pics up man.....

Bomb J

Ive grown a few grows with cfl,s so I have experiance with them. You want to keep the light within an inch or two from the top of your plant to prevent stretching.
Believe me, if you put the light 12 inches away, the result will be a very long lanky weak stemmed plant.
Ive used damn near 600 watts of cfl,s on one plant so the more light the better. I wouldnt add any more lighting until your lady has reached about 5 inches tall or so, then bombard her with cfl,s.
What kind of soil are you using? (If your using soil) How often do you water?
It would really help if you had some pics up man.....
Ive been using miracle grow seed starter, should i keep it the same when i transplant or should i change to something like miracle grow moisture control, I've been watering when the top soil is dry, I really feel uncomfortable putting pictures of my plants online, and i don't have a camera


New Member
Ive been using miracle grow seed starter, should i keep it the same when i transplant or should i change to something like miracle grow moisture control, I've been watering when the top soil is dry, I really feel uncomfortable putting pictures of my plants online, and i don't have a camera
Ive actually never heard of MG seed starter. Yeah You need to switch the seed starter with regular Mg wether it be moisture control or regular ole MG soil.

MG soil is not really reccomended for growing mary jane because it usually ends up burning the hell out of them and it usually comes with little friendsa like spidermites ect...
Ive grown with Mg soil with pretty good results.
The trick with growing in Mg is how much you water....The first time I grew with Mg, I overwatered the hell out of my plant and all the leaves turned yellow and curled ect... ect....
Im betting you may be giving her to much water.....I would only water her when the soil is crusty dry on the top . Stick you finger a half inch down into the soil , that will tell you when its time also...I would water about every 3 days to 4 days.....good luck...

Bomb J

Ive grown a few grows with cfl,s so I have experiance with them. You want to keep the light within an inch or two from the top of your plant to prevent stretching.
Believe me, if you put the light 12 inches away, the result will be a very long lanky weak stemmed plant.
Ive used damn near 600 watts of cfl,s on one plant so the more light the better. I wouldnt add any more lighting until your lady has reached about 5 inches tall or so, then bombard her with cfl,s.
What kind of soil are you using? (If your using soil) How often do you water?
It would really help if you had some pics up man.....
oh and can i use the bottom of a 2 liter bottle (mountain dew) i just figured mountain dew cause the bottle is kinda colored like a green house. it may be a stupid idea just kinda throwing that at there, really new to this kinda thing


Well-Known Member
plants don't absorb green light :) that's why you can have green lights on in the dark phase. get pots dude they're so cheap..


Well-Known Member
I only use 1 27w for the first week then I add 1 more. Then the next week 1 more. Next week 1 more. So on and so forth.

But I would transplant when you see roots coming out of the bottom. And the 1 set of fans leaves aren't really leaves. They just get the photosynthesis process started. They will die off after about 2 weeks whenever you have real fan leaves. Just be patients and she will pull out of it. I had the same problem and I just let them grow and they ended up fine.

King Pacal

Stop using Miracle grow. It's very good for other plants but I've used it in two different grows and it makes the soil acidic and also carries in the soil fungal gnat larvae which will eat the roots off your plant. Spend a few bucks and buy some pots. If you choose to use something like a soda pop bottle it's only going to be harmful if you don't sterilize it. Don't think for one second that your plant will grow to mature in a 2litter bottle though you will need atleast a 5 gl pot per plant. With your lights... Take your hand and feel if it seems to hot at the top of your plants. These lights will frizzle fry your new babies if they are too close. Oh and if you notice the new leaves are ruffling on the edges it's chemical burn from adding nutrients at a young part of thier lives. If that happens water them once but really well. Hope some of this helps you. Oh don't pull your lights back further than 3"s it will cause them to stretch and be leggy.


Well-Known Member
thanks i think i will keep as many lights on it as i have. but how far way should i keep the lights, and what does the second set of leaves look like? i have a total of four, two of them are normal (the first two it formed) and the other two are more fan like. if this is considered the second set of leaves should i transplant to bigger pot
read this it may answer your question