Lot of people use something in a ratio of 1-2-3, like a 10-20-30.
I have been using MG all purpose and some Burpee stuff that I got at Lowe's, it's a 0-15-11 just because I already had it from last grow and it worked fine.
Once I go into flower, I just use the 0-15-11, with unsulphured molasses, and once in a while if I see some lightening of green, will hit it once or twice with the MG again.
Once you transition into flower, after the first couple weeks, you will want to cut back on the N (first number) because it can affect the bud (flower) growth if you continuously add as much as you do during veg.
I would suggest you read and get an understanding for what the 3 main numbers mean and do, then decide what you want to get, with the knowledge of what other people say their nutes are.
Just know that you aren't going to find stuff like Fox Farms, or Beastie Bloom at Depot or Lowe's, specialty stuff like that, you have to order or get from a grow shop.