

Active Member
Alright so I got some lights 26 watt 1600 lumen output
what I need to know is if these are the right ones for veging
they look blue when lit

and I got six other cfls 26 watt 1750 lumens for flowering and they look redder when lit

If I'm correct, when I use these lights they have to be very close.
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Well-Known Member
what is the kelvin temp?
on the back of the package it should say like 3000k, 5500k, or something like that
for veg, you want like 5500k or like 6000k or anything up
for flowering you want 2500k to 3000k.
do you have a plant right now?


Active Member
hey micro.. dude what are you attaching your lights too? kuz i have 8 and i havea little rig.. but u have any ideas?


Active Member
Thanks for the quick response guys

cool the bulbs I got are perfect!

Umm yea I don't have a cam but I can try to explain a bit
There are these things (I got all my stuff at walmart by the way so if you want to replicate) that you can use to screw in two bulbs into on socket, then instead of a regular socket I have this small socket that has a two pronged plug end on it, this inturn plugs in the power strip, is hasn't been tested yet but I beleive it should work just fine, I have major space issues and I had no prob finding a way to fit all this into place.

Oh yes and I was wondering although this isnot the place to post it

if you have bag seed and their are lighter greener colored seeds and darker colored seeds. Are the darker ones male and the females the light colored ones?
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick response guys

cool the bulbs I got are perfect!

Umm yea I don't have a cam but I can try to explain a bit
There are these things (I got all my stuff at walmart by the way so if you want to replicate) that you can use to screw in two bulbs into on socket, then instead of a regular socket I have this small socket that has a two pronged plug end on it, this inturn plugs in the power strip, is hasn't been tested yet but I beleive it should work just fine, I have major space issues and I had no prob finding a way to fit all this into place.
That works fine. I have two powerstrips mounted to a 2x4 with seven 26w cfl's. I use it as an overhead "cluster" fixture


Active Member
cool cool well I got this temp and humidity gauge that records the highest and lowest the temp and humidity has gotten. at the high with the one 4inch intake fan and the other 4 inch exhast fan it reached 96.3 F and 52% humidity and with just the exhaust fan on with no lights it dropped to 77.2 F 31% humitdity. I had the guage where the plant would be growing. IS THAT TOO HOT? Mind you I have 4 26 watt cfls in an extremly small growspace, I'm going scrog when I finally find some seeds, most likely just gonna be bag seeds.


Well-Known Member
My partner is pushing the use of CLFs. Lower heat, lower electric usage, reduced risks from fire, and not to mention fewer bucks needed (I think).


Active Member
I beleive you can grow some realy nice stuff with just cfl, especially if it's just a personal crop. When you get into the cooled and vented hoods you need more bucks to bring down the heat and simply the cost to run such a high power unit such as mh hps, these high power lights I would believe them to be comercial use as compared to personal grow but hey thats just me.
Happy growing dudes


Well-Known Member
Oh yes and I was wondering although this isnot the place to post it

if you have bag seed and their are lighter greener colored seeds and darker colored seeds. Are the darker ones male and the females the light colored ones?

the lighter green ones are immature seeds and most likely will not germinate, the darker mottled ones are the good ones. Cannot determine sex by the seed, only by flowering or having a plant that shows sex during veg. also some plants can be both sexes ( Hermaphrodite) and can pollinate themselves and others.

You can buy feminized seeds, and most are indeed females, but later on can turn hermie and screw things up.


Active Member
Thanks I hope atlest one of the two seeds I got is female if that is the case I'm gonna grow it for bud but flower it for a long time till it starts growing it's bannana's in order to fertilize its self. Then I'll take the bannana's off and only use it on a few buds just so I can have feminized seeds. If there is something wrong with this method, or my theory is wrong don't hesitate to tell me, I'm a first timer so I'll make mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Lol take the bananas off. i'm not sure how that would work. and making your own feminized seeds... i'm not sure if you can do that.


Active Member
Well I'm willing to sacrifice one of my hopefully numerous buds to testing this idea. God damn I just rolled a tooth pick of this stuff I got the two seeds from and I'm so high, I hope the seeds grow weed just like this. =)

happy smokin!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they will want the warm light for flowering. I have finished with flourescents before, and you can get some pretty decent bud using them. It depends on what your issues are with heat and electricity, but you still cannot match what the HPS has to offer potentially.