CH9 Humboldt not budding

Loki buds

Hi everyone,

First time grower here. But not an uninformed grower. My question or growing problem is with budding. The plant has showed all the signs of a female but continues to grow vegitatively. Now let me run you through the set up and history of her.

THE SET UP: One plant( i dont use that much and have a low tolerance. So a little can last me a long long time. all grown for licensed medical use) Its a hydro set up using the bubble method. In a 5 gallon bucket. Lights are 1 T5 that is 4 lights by 24 inches long(this is above her) then on the sides i have 2 t8 fixtures(total of 4) and a cfl spot light aimed at the undergrowth of her. The veg bulbs were 65k temp on the t5 fixture and 5k temp on the t8 fixtures. The flowering bulbs are 35k temp except for 2 of the t8 fixtures(they are 5k temp). There are two are pumps with one airstone each(on at full power) and an oscillating fan.

THE HISTORY: I bought hand full of different seeds from a bank and they threw in some freebies. So I thought, start with the freebies and start learning before too serious. You can view the seed bank and strain from where i bought here,
The seed germed perfectly and I then planted in soil for the 1st week at 24/0 photo period. At day eight i put her in a rockwool cube(very carefully and thoughtfully as not to damage or touch the tiny root system that was beginning) From the rockwool cube i placed it in the net pot and filled it with cleaned claystones. The water and nutes used were balanced between 6-6.5 and for vegging I used Sunshine Max growth 4-1-5 nutes. I flushed the water every week and added freshly balanced water with nutes to keep all freshness. I did this for 40 days and plant grew faster than i ever thought. at the end of the veg state it was 19 inches tall, bushy as hell had very little, if none at all, nute burn. During the veg state i did little trimming and tried fimming. The fimming did not do anything, but i think i did it wrong. I would only trim lower leaves that were dropping and did not feel as strong and vibrant as the others. During the veg state i kept a 24/0 photo period. and during day37 i noticed little white hairs coming out of select sites on her. So i though "badass! pre-flowers. she's ready!"

Now she is in the flowering state and has been for 12 days at a 12/12 photo period and I switched nutes to botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom 2-3-5, also balanced between 6-6.5 and continuing to flush with fresh water and nutes every 7 days. During this state I have notice increased veg growth(even faster compared to the veg state) and more pre-flowers are still showing up everywhere(I have noticed a couple have turned orange already.) She is now 27 inches tall now(thats and 8 in spurt in less than 12 days!) I am expecting her to get about double here current height, at minimum, when ready for harvest. Expecting more tall growth from all around the plant as she is mostly sativa and a little indica.

For the flowering I did the light proofing and then made sure it was actually light proof. Standing in the room i noticed no leaks and actually got disorientated because i could not see anything.

The problem, at least i am guessing its a problem, is no buds have formed or even any sign of budding. I am very worried. (cause we(the plant and i) had long talks in the veg state that she would be a very pleasing gal) So I am reaching out for help.My google search for resources keeps bringing me back to this forum so i figured, ok i'll sign up already.

Sorry for lack of picks, I will get them up tomorrow. (the lights are off right now)

Side note: I read the humboldt strain is pretty amazing in floral appearance, sweet aroma(she smells amazing) and high it produces. So i am very excited to bring her to harvest. Since she is a predominantly a sativa with some indica i was thinking she just takes awhile.. Hoping that she gets t budding at least. Anybody else with experience with this strain?

Please Please Please let me know any advice. I really appreciate it.

Thank you for reading.


Well-Known Member
I didnt read the whole novel you wrote there.. Kinda skipped through till i saw 12 days at 12/12....
It hasnt even been a full 2 weeks bro, be patient and give it a lil time..
Let it grow...

Loki buds

I didnt read the whole novel you wrote there.. Kinda skipped through till i saw 12 days at 12/12....
It hasnt even been a full 2 weeks bro, be patient and give it a lil time..
Let it grow...

Thanks jkahndb0 I was also wondering, anything i should be weary of or look out for during this slow start? I know its a novel but i just didnt want to to say "my plant isnt budding, WTF?" any tips or insights are greatly appreciated. In any event, i will continue my patience.


Well-Known Member
You said the plant has almost doubled in size and has continued to sprout multiple "pre-flowers" .....
As long as your plant is still green.. it sounds like you have a healthy plant in flower....

One thing ive learned is that... ""Keeping it simple", should never be underestimated".....
Watch out for---> Bugs, Herm's, and PM...
(remember to check under the leaves)

Loki buds

One thing ive learned is that... ""Keeping it simple", should never be underestimated".....

definitely keeping this in mind. though i added another 2000 lumens with a 35k 30watt cfl aimed at the undergrowth. really need that light penetration. thinking about going scrog and hps for next time. Do you think it would be late or not advisable to scrog now? (thinking out loud, i dont think it is, but if is.... please let me know)

thank you again for your commentary.


Well-Known Member
definitely keeping this in mind. though i added another 2000 lumens with a 35k 30watt cfl aimed at the undergrowth. really need that light penetration. thinking about going scrog and hps for next time. Do you think it would be late or not advisable to scrog now? (thinking out loud, i dont think it is, but if is.... please let me know)

thank you again for your commentary.
"Keep it simple"-- got nothing to do with lights...LoL
You can swear you get great results in just Tap water with superthrive in Coco... But you need good lights and Efficient/Sufficient lumen output....LoL

I wouldn't recommend starting a SCROG this late in Flower, it would be best to have the screen all set up before the switch to 12/12...

If your really interested in SCROG you should search around and read a bunch of scrog journals.. Seeing how people make things , what they use.. and the mistakes they make before you make them.. Can really benefit you..