CH9 Jack Outdoor Grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok so first I would like to sat this is my first outdoor grow. I have 5 years of indoor growing under my belt. This is a free seed that I got from the Attitude. The strain is CH9 jack. I popped it in late January early February. I put her out side Feb 10 in a hole that was dug 3.5' deep and about 2.5' wide. The soil I used for the hole what roots organic. The fert's i'm using are Buddha Grow,Tinity, and the Amber. I'm not using alot of ferts. I'm In Phoenix Arizona. This was just a learning grow I'm not expecting to get a yield from this grow. Please don't be dicks and tell me all the shit I did wrong. I've learns so much with this grow. I've learns the she pefers a PH between 6.5 and 7.5. I learned so much about outdoor pest, and what kind of other bugs I can use to help control them. I put a tent over here made from thin shade cloth to help keep her cool from the sun. Here are some pics as of today. I know the light cycle has increased since I've put her in the dirt she's been flowering for about 3 weeks now. Some say she'll go back to veging other say she's to far to go back. Love you all

PS. I'm high as fuck right now and kind of drunk so please excuse the typo's.


CH9Jack410 (1).jpgCH9Jack410 (2).jpgCH9Jack410 (3).jpgCH9Jack410 (4).jpg


For the first grow it looks so fcking great! Keep up to inform us, i'm very interested in this strain, because I received it too from attitude for free.
Never knew about this strain before when I actually get it with my beans as freebee, would be nice to see its full potential outdoors.

I will grow it outdoors too so, keep up your good work :)


Yeah I cut her down already and turned her all into hash. I saved a few good full buds for smoking. I took her down 2 week early. she could of got at least another 2 or even 3. Here is the link for it. I have one more seed from that same strain. I'll pop her at the end of june. Thanks for being interested.

what's the high from them both? Which is better the hash or the bud?

and how much did you get it from it?

really excited about your results because I have the same plans as u do :D to have some best buds and from all other make hash (leafs, trimmings n some shitty bud)