Chamomile and marijuana!!

Coffee shops like Starbucks etc throw away buckets and buckets of coffee grounds away daily. Which you prob knew. my cousin works and gives me a bucket full as I ask for it
No shit? You pour coffee on your gals? Interesting
Yeah, they really seem to love it. Coffee has great levels of soluble/available Nitrogen and Phosphorus, and the mild acidity helps normalize my very basic tap water. Plus, as Cap said,
Coffee grounds are great for your compost, it adds lots of nitrogen.

On a side note I can also add that coffee is GREAT to combat snails in your garden, they die very quickly if they come into contact with it. It works like a neurotoxin on the little bastards. I basically saved my harvest of corn, squash, beans and cucumber using the cheapest coffee I could get last summer :) The coming summer I have plans to construct coffee traps that keeps the rain from washing away the coffee and keeps the snails at bay. I don't drink the shit but it's a truly awesome weapon against snails :D

caffeine is great defense against a lot of bugs, it really scrambles their brains, that's why plants like coffee and tea develop caffeine to begin with, it works as a defense against pests, that's why the heaviest concentrations of caffeine are in new sprouts/shoots/growth, where the plant is most vulnerable. Also, in small doses, Caffeine works as a stimulant for plants the same way it does for us, but be careful because very large doses can cause calcium deficiency

Coffee shops like Starbucks etc throw away buckets and buckets of coffee grounds away daily. Which you prob knew. my cousin works and gives me a bucket full as I ask for it
Yes to this, I suggest it to everyone, I go by starbucks and they give me these big 20lb bags of coffee grinds (and sometimes banana peels), it's great for non-wormbin composting, makes leaves breakdown much much faster.