Chance of being busted


Active Member
Hi everyone this is my first post hope its in the right place

Im hoping to start a grow in my garage in a couple of weeks using a grow setup off ebay

Il be using a tent
400w hps
4" intake fan
4" carbon filter

Growing autos in 10l pots

I will be not telling a soul about my grow but my question is what are the chances of getting caught by the police in the uk

Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
A grow that size?? Would be like...neddle-in-haystack.jpg the proverbial needle in the haystack..just IMHO.. but hey, I am just a stupid colonist though...could be wrong. LOL!! But, I doubt the neo-Nazi badge wearers there will care any more than they do here...they are looking for huge grow ops.

But if you got a big mouth....for each person you tell your chances increase by 20% so tell 5 (or even 1 who tells 4 others) and...well I hope you look good in orange...

Talk and gab about your hobby here on an anonymous forum...we all need to tell SOMEONE!


Well-Known Member

Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!!

The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is your friend...Lots of folks here willing to help a new farmer get up and growing. But at the end of the day your grow will be only as good as the knowledge and work you put into it.

It is always great to ask questions but do not take anyone's advice or opinions and follow blindly. Do your own research, you will be much happier knowing you have done it for yourself and by yourself. The first buzz you get from your own by far the BEST high you will ever have!

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Of what i've read and heard the only way you get caught is by telling the wrong person or doing dumb criminal activities that have the cops knocking at your door for an unrelated issue and then they smell it.

Just remember the number one rule of fight club...


Well-Known Member
This thread puts me in mnd of a troll 'discussion' I had one time on a different cannabis forum. There was some schmeck insisting the DEA and all state, county, and local law enforcement agencies not only had FLIR equipment...but the equipment was so outstanding that it could tell a cannabis plant signature specifically. Not only that but every single home, apartment, trailer, business or any other place with 4 walls and a roof were being systematically checked 1 by 1.

I think he was just transferred from the lock-down to the general population at the psych-ward! LOL!!!!

Sorry to jack this thread, but it was dying anyway so I figured I would pump some life back into it...LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone this is my first post hope its in the right place

Im hoping to start a grow in my garage in a couple of weeks using a grow setup off ebay

Il be using a tent
400w hps
4" intake fan
4" carbon filter

Growing autos in 10l pots

I will be not telling a soul about my grow but my question is what are the chances of getting caught by the police in the uk

Thanks everyone
You'll be fine. UK is pretty sweet. I never had an issue when growing there and I even had a visit from the pigs on something unrelated. Didn't have a filter and they still didn't pick up.

Fact is, they have bigger fish to fry then your little grow.

Good thing to tell no one. Loose lips sink ships.


Well-Known Member
Keep your numbers low. Tell nobody. Carbon filter.
Looks like you've got it covered.
If you do get nicked;
My first time around with approx 12 plants I got a caution.
2nd time I got nicked, 12 plants (just a few months later :lol:) £120 fine in the magistrates.

Still seem sworth it to me (: