Change my mind please....

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Cause that’s where I’m still at professionally in my life, nobody is allowed to make any personal growth with you guys
You have only demonstrated ignorance here, nobody really cares about your formal education, it's mind to mind here, not even race exists, just an avatar. It is an arena of ideas and opinions and yours betray you.
Well I may have a different view as a person who dropped out of highschool and has a lot of college kids under me that are essentially clueless and unemployable in their field all pissed off, maybe they are the outliers ?
awwww, piss mopper is pretending to be the manager now
"Not perfect" is an understatement.

Nearly all political structures have coercion as their primary means. Name one that doesn't.

That's why NO involuntary political structure can EVER BE anything more than a well costumed thuggery.
When you take things to the worst, there is some truth to that sure. But is the problem the structures or the humans that are in their place?

Vote in better people and we will get better results.

Vote in idiots who have no clue what they are doing because it is the one job daddy didn't give Trump, and he is out of his depth, and we get worse results. Id rather have what we have currently as a nation and world than anything else at any point in human history (outside of the current leadership).

Let's start building again, quit playing into the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only's agenda by trying to make it harder for everyone in our nation to achieve as much as they are capable of with our vast resources. Any American should feel the same way regardless of any hangups you may have, it is just in their best interests.
Vote in better people and we will get better results.

Self evident defeating argument and a platitude without any substance.

A better person cannot overcome the systemic flaw of the government default position of assumed consent when none is actually given.

Nor can a better person overcome the primary means of enforcing compliance on otherwise peaceful people is force, up to and including killing people for failure to obey.

That's like saying I know you dropped your keys in the dark driveway but maybe you should look for them in the living room, because the light in their is better.
I have noticed 90% of the people Iv met that went to college have the exact same rigid cult like ideals, seems brainwashed to me
How much of a percentage would you guess of the people you know enough to say that about make up the people you know? Like for real know them.

Seems a lot easier to just flood someone like you with tons of trolls from the left and attack you over and over again to get you to feel that this makes up 'the left'. Then have a 'Right Troll' come to the rescue and start trolling when you come to their safe place.
This is my only account here, I’m not like you guys with multiple accounts thinking it makes you right cause it looks like other people agree with you ;)

Educated, intelligent, critical-thinking people do not need multiple identities to get a point across, because we deal in facts that can be proven. The weak, indoctrinated, uneducated and low-intelligence folks are the ones who have to try to get their point across in numbers, to try to show they're right by using the 'look at the crowd size who agrees with me' tactic.
Educated, intelligent, critical-thinking people do not need multiple identities to get a point across, because we deal in facts that can be proven. The weak, indoctrinated, uneducated and low-intelligence folks are the ones who have to try to get their point across in numbers, to try to show they're right by using the 'look at the crowd size who agrees with me' tactic.
And ironically I would bet money buck is in control of atleast 2 accounts on this discussion . Deetadeee
How much of a percentage would you guess of the people you know enough to say that about make up the people you know? Like for real know them.

Seems a lot easier to just flood someone like you with tons of trolls from the left and attack you over and over again to get you to feel that this makes up 'the left'. Then have a 'Right Troll' come to the rescue and start trolling when you come to their safe place.
I think your touching on my core beliefs here, I don’t trust either party, we get 2 to choose from ? Hardly a choice if you ask many foreign interest and People who been in positions of power for too long with to much skin in the game, on both sides
Self evident defeating argument and a platitude without any substance.

A better person cannot overcome the systemic flaw of the government default position of assumed consent when none is actually given.

Nor can a better person overcome the primary means of enforcing compliance on otherwise peaceful people is force, up to and including killing people for failure to obey.

That's like saying I know you dropped your keys in the dark driveway but maybe you should look for them in the living room, because the light in their is better.

You are naive if you think if someone wanted to take your consent away from you, they couldn't. It sucks but it is reality of humanity.

I have been fortunate enough to not have lived in a highly policed area all my childhood and escaped it without a record. There are many ways we can do things better as a society. Wide sweeping statements sound nice, but it is at the end of the day all bullshit.

I am just one person in a sea of humanity, but until we can even get to the point that we all understand the facts of what is really occurring without this propaganda warfare being conducted on us, we won't come up with anything that couldn't be done with a constitutional amendment. The alternative is bending the knee, and at the end of the day we are America, screw that.

This too shall pass.

Trump is too stupid and already messed up all Putin's hard work.

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