Change of career


New Member
here it is.

I love my job to no extent except for it interferes with my "stonerability"

I have been working in construction for about 5 years now and I absolutely love the work I do compared what I used to do (boring repetitive factory work) but still to this day I find it interferes with my "stonerability" and I am thinking about someday making a career change (anytime soon is not a viable option though) and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

working in construction mean having to get up early everyday. there really is no other option. sometimes i am amble to work my jobs into the evening (customer approving of course) but this just ends up screwing me up because i normally have to get up early the next morning anyway.

getting up early sucks considering my factory job was afternoons and I got pretty accustomed to sleeping until noon every day. It went great with my "stonerability".

Also I not only have to be physically ready to handle heavy work but I have to be able to do math in my head on the fly, I have to be able to problem solve, i have to be mentally alert or else I could lose a finger.. or arm.. or my life with the nature of the tools I work with, and if i fuck stuff up it can cost A LOT of money.

someday (maybe when my midlife crisis hits... if i havent already gone through it) i would like to have a career where i can be stoned at work (like factory work,, but not factory work) and where most of my day will be spent working at home and being out "doing things" to kind of break up the hours at home working.

I know this sounds like a wicked dream but i'm sure there are careers out there that you can do this.... like being in a band or something. you can stay home and play instruments or sing or write lyrics, be as stoned as you want, wake up whenever you want, and have no boss. AND you get to go out sometimes and travel to do shows... a wicked life but I have no artistic skills whatsoever...

unless arguing is artisic...


so,, any suggestions?

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
argueing can be channeled into writing. every one can make a blog, clicks on a blog create ad revenue. I think this is a challenge many of us face. I'd love to beable to support myself from home or be my own boss. "Smoke break, anyone?"


New Member
i used to love to write but unfortunately cocaine killed my spirit for it and i have not written a single piece since i was using.

i have about 100 pages handwritten of about 5 different topics the largest one being an autobiography, all unfinished. I havent even opened them up since "those days"

i would love to get back into writing but people dont read books anymore and im not really into blogging,, i am in to arguing with conservative dicks on the site though ;)


Well-Known Member
dude. you could be a MAILMAN! you only have to drive at like 3 miles an hour and you get to chill in your big mail truck


New Member
mailmen around here have stressful jobs... years ago i worked in a parcel mail room and everyone was always mega stressed.

here in canada anyway, i know what the postal service is like in the u.s. and yes, they are lazy and dont give a shit. lol,, but around here they ride postal workers to get it done faster and more effciently,, and that just adds up to stress

thanks for the suggestion though.... are you one of the few who still reads books bookworm?


Well-Known Member
mailmen around here have stressful jobs... years ago i worked in a parcel mail room and everyone was always mega stressed.

here in canada anyway, i know what the postal service is like in the u.s. and yes, they are lazy and dont give a shit. lol,, but around here they ride postal workers to get it done faster and more effciently,, and that just adds up to stress

thanks for the suggestion though.... do you read books bookworm?
I loooooove books.

I've read all of the Tom Clancy "Jack Ryan" series which is all the good books. Although SSN was good as well.

I recently started on Clive Cussler and John Grisham. I like thrilling books.


New Member
I loooooove books.

I've read all of the Tom Clancy "Jack Ryan" series which is all the good books. Although SSN was good as well.

I recently started on Clive Cussler and John Grisham. I like thrilling books.
I used to read Grisham all the time before i got tired of novels. I normally only read literature now unless someone highly recommends a novel to me.

its good to see some younger adults still enjoy a good book :bigjoint: