change out plants soil?


allright so i have a mix of seeds from attitude and they all seem to be showing the same problem i keep my ph around 6.5 also have lime in my soil im feeding with bio buzz grow half strength in mg organic garden soil and have been using cal mag they all seem to have a nitrogen decency so i upped my fert and noticed leaf tips burning a bit and older growth still yellowing and dieing from the bottom up i know now ive used the wrong soil its formed a hard draining brick im wondering if this is the problem sorry i dont have any pics but there 6 week old plants in 1 gal pots i plan on moving them into bigger pots in a few weeks but im wondering if i need to wash this old soil off the roots and replace it, and also if theres any tricks to doing this, how long should i expect them to be in shock? would it be better to just wait and transplant?


Well-Known Member
Mg organic is not a potting soil, I think it days so on the bag. It's meant as a soil admendment for lawns etc. To use it in containers you'll have to cut it with something more airy and drainable like perlite. I've used mg moisture control before but not the organic and would not feed it for at least 4-6 week's until some of the built in ferts are absorbed by the plants.
I wouldnt try n wash that soil off, you can go up a pot size and use something that has no fertilizers like coco and should be fine.


i understand its the wrong soil now, potting mix has the same warning on the bag and ive used it with no problems and the garden soild is all i had at the time im wondering if the compacted soil is not allowing my roots to take in nutes i pulled a handful of leafs off 7 girls today 2 days after feeding and 3 days after dosing with cal-mag i wont be able to transplant for a few weeks, space issues...

also i never started feeding till the plants looked like they needed it they where dark green 2 weeks ago in this soil now when it drys out its a big brick and hard to get it to hold water new growth looks good maybe a little lite green in color


Well-Known Member
In small pots I think it's better to just transplant into something more airy. It should recover once the roots reach out into the new substrate. I wouldnt mess around trying to take the soil off the roots. This is just my 2 cents maybe someone else will have a better suggestion. Good luck.