changing everything


Active Member
For the last year I've been in soil with organics hand feeding/water every other day.

And after doing lots of research the last few days I've decided to switch to pro-mix in actual five gallon buckets not five gallon nersery pots. For nutrients I've decided to go with the Maxibloom Lucas Formula. Since you can pretty much use the same amount of nutrients throughout the plants life expectually during flower and the maxibloom in a run off system, I thought hell I could build a drip irrigation system to feed my plants for me. And every so often. Just run pure water through the whole system to wash out any salts in the pro mix.

Here is my problem. I only need the pump to turn on once a day and water nine plants a little less then a gallon of feed per pot.

If anyone is better then me at some math and could help me out figuring out what size pump I need and how long that pump would need to be on. Im planning on making a manifold to supply the feed to my girls out.of.PVC and tubing. I'm sure that would also have to be figured into that.

Now I know this all seems a little much and why would I do it. Well uhm a stoner and work 40+ hr week and I've noticed if anything goes wrong g with my grows its normally in flower due to lack of.time or stupid human error. If I could some what automate things and check the resivoir every so often.

Thanks for all of your help and taking the time to read my boring ass high rant. And if anyone cares I plan on main lining in veg along with kyle kushmans super cropping before and after every topping.


Well-Known Member
if your soil is at not anymore than 30% perlite you shouldn't have to water your plant more than every 4-6 days if they're in 5 gals, that shouldn't be too much work i wouldnt think. give em a good water(may a gallon or two, depends how big they are) and poke a hole down into the soil with your finger(or a long stick if you wanna look way down in there since you got 5 gals) if your curious as to when they need some water(make sure your a few inches away from the main stem though, dont wanna damage the tap root), if the holes cave in because the soil wont keep its form its dry enough for another water, this also breaks root ending the same way earth worms do, making the plant replace that root with 2 or more new ones which will make your root systems really strong. if i knew about all those pumps with a drip systems id give you some pointers but from experience most tech tends to fail you, thats why i never try hydro(especially when you live in a state with power surges every other week during storms).