Changing light cycle during veg cycle


Hi fellow tokers! This is my first time growing. All my grows are in pots. I have one plant in my tent thats in flower on a 12/12 light cycle.

Outside I have another plant that is about ready to switch to flower. Hes my question: outside the light in my neck of the woods is 5am -7pm this time of year which is 14 hours light 10 hours dark. Can I put this in the grow tent on a 12/12 cycle and be ok since its only a 2 hour difference. Or shoukd I being it inside and put it on a 18/6 for a week or so before switching it to 12/12?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
If you want it to continue flowering then put it in at 12/12. If you put it at 18/6 for a week it'll start trying to revert to veg mode then confuse it if then switched back to 12/12. That kind of stress could force it to hermie if it has a a slight tendency to do so.

A bigger problem with bringing an outdoor plant in is that if it has any bugs like mites or thrips on it their populations will explode once indoors so be prepared to do battle with bugs.

Thank you for the reply!

Its not in flower yet. Its about a week or less away and still in veg. The days are getting longer here so its going to be less dark time outside. I cant keep it out anyway. I have construction going on on both sides of me

And very good point about the bugs. I didnt think of that. I dont want to introduce bugs to my inside plant which is the one thats in flower now. It has less three weeks until harvest. Hmm...
Thank you for the reply!

Its not in flower yet. Its about a week or less away and still in veg. The days are getting longer here so its going to be less dark time outside. I cant keep it out anyway. I have construction going on on both sides of me

And very good point about the bugs. I didnt think of that. I dont want to introduce bugs to my inside plant which is the one thats in flower now. It has less three weeks until harvest. Hmm...

Do you have any other area in the house where you could treat the plant for bugs if it has them which it most likely does? I had a big plant I grew outside in a pot for the summer a few years ago. Big 4' ball of a plant you couldn't see through it was so dense. Mites and thrips here and there all over it. I knew if I just tossed it in the grow room in a wee kit would be totally infested. Would be the only plant at that time but would have contaminated the grow room badly.

Anyway I kept it upstairs in the shop while I sprayed it really good every 4 days for 4 treatments and it worked as I never saw buga on it as it went through flower for the next 10 weeks.

You don't need to go out and buy another grow light as long as you can keep some sort of light on it to maintain the photoperiod. If there's a window with strong light even if it's not direct sunlight that's enough to do it but any supplemental lighting will help. If it's not getting strong light then growth will slow right down and if flowering then your yield will definitely take a big hit.

This time of year in the northern hemisphere most people are doing it the other way around. Taking indoor plants out to use the free light to grow. Many run into the problem of suddenly putting the plants into 12 - 14 hours of light straight from an 18/6 cycle then having the plants start flowering then revert to veg as the days get longer. We're getting close to the longest day of the year so that shouldn't be a problem for most unless closer to the equator. I'm way up north and we're at 18 hours of sun a day with an hour of light before and after full sunrise and sunset.

Too bad you couldn't just leave it out but better a crappier yield than cops or rippers. :)

Might be better to go 18/6 on it to keep it in veg then flower it properly once it's safe to do so.

Im in the n hemisphere as well. But Im in the caribbean. Most are doing the opposite of me as well. If it werent for the construction Id be doing it as well.

Thanks for the great advice. That makes perfect sense. I will get some organic bug spray.

Now I have one more question. The plant in my new grow tent is in Flower. The leaves started to burn a little on the ends due to getting to close to foil in old grow room. The leaves arnt dying, but they are crisp on the ends and no longer too soft. But the buds are growing and its all still green? Do you think the leaves will recover? And incindentally, I now have all LED full spectrums enhanced with blue.
Dead leaf tissue will never recover but doesn't hurt anything. You can snip away the damaged tissue to make it easier to see if it's getting any worse or not happening any more.

A lot of guys defoliate almost all the fan leaves off in the middle of flower so I wouldn't worry about it. I don't.
In the Caribbean eh. I'm in northern Alberta about 100km west of Ft. Mac. The tar sands place.

What are the laws like for you guys? Anyone can grow 4 plants per household here now except for a couple of provinces and one territory. Legal pot stores selling crappy bulk grown generic pot for the most part but I've been growing my own for 20 years so don't buy that.

I doubt I could live there. I can barely handle the heat here and it's only 24C today but muggy as we had a huge thunderstorm last night with lots of rain. It's usually very dry and for most of the year very cold. I can handle -40C a lot better than +40C. lol

I'm putting 4 auto fem plants outside soon. Getting a late start but if they had of been out last night they'd probably be dead. Just an experiment to see if they can finish in time to harvest as regular photoperiod plants never do. We live on acreage far from anyone that might see my plants.

Good luck with yours.

Impressive! You can have up to 1 oz on your person. It has been decriminalized, but not legalized for rec use. Its legal for med use...but we have no med facilities or However they are going to legalize it for rec use soon. We have a few Senators that are avid pot smokers. In fact the one senator is who organizes the 420 celebration here.

But to be honest, even before it was decriminalized, it was common to smell it at any beach or public area.

Each person can have up to three plants. Medicals can have more.

I use it for med and rec. Im tired of buying junk or a bunch of seeds and stems. So.....Im growing my own and learning alot in the process.

And the heat....oh yeah it gets hot. Ive been here 20 years from the US and it still hot as hell. Winter 24 - 29. Summers 29 - 33