Changing photo period


Active Member
My plants are 2 weeks old and I've been doing 18/6. I wanna change it to 24 hours. Would this stress the plants too much?

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
To answer your question, yes, you can switch to 24 hours or light. Go ahead and jam out with your clam out.

The consensus seems to be that people get better growth with 18/6 or 20/4, though.


Active Member
No it will have no negative effect Why do you want to switch to 24:0? There has been test that plants have more vegative growth with 24:0


Active Member
I wanna change it bc I recently added more cfls but don't have the timers to put on them and the power strips I'm using wont accommodate more timers. So my thought is to take all the timers off and just do 24/0


Active Member
Oh okay I was just curious just make sure to have good air movement as plants can get hot with 24:0 and that will cause too much stress.