changing the 12/12 light cycle


Well-Known Member
My 12/12 flower cycle goes from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. I want to change the cycle so that it starts at 12 p.m. and finishes at 12 a.m. I currently have a few plants in the room so I don't want the change to stress them or have any other negative effects.
My plan is to give them an extra hour of darkness for a few nights in order to change the start and finish of the light cycle. For example, tonight the lights will go off at 10 p.m. and I will reset the timer so that the light turns on at 11 a.m. tomorrow instead of 10 a.m. The lights will then go off tomorrow night at 11 p.m. I will reset the timer again to give them another 13 hour dark period so that the lights will come on again at 12 p.m. the nest day. The the 12/12 cycle will be kept at those times (12 p.m. to 12 a.m.)

Does anybody know if this procedure will have any negative effects on the plants in the flowering room?
The plants I have in there have been flowering for varied lengths of time. anywhere from 1 week to 5 weeks. None of them should need more than 8 weeks total.
give it a couple of days to adjust like lights go of at 10pm turn them on at 10:15 then of at 10:30 on at 10:45 work your way up just a throught
the problem is I don't have time. The cycle needs to be changed by saturday. Sorry, shoulda mentioned that.
just change them. change them so they get the 2 extra hours during the dark cycle. they shouldn't even notice.