Changing the flowering cycle?? HELP!


Active Member
My plant has been flowering for 3 weeks on 12/12. The lights come on at noon and off at midnight and so on.
I want to change it to lights on at 8am and off at 8pm.
They say: During the flowering stage, indoor plants can easily handle no light for 48 hours and even longer. They do not grow as much and get pale or wimpy, but they will survive.
And to set the time cycle I want i'd have to keep the lights off for 32 hours untill tomorrow at 8am. Im worried since it might get pale or wimpy that would stress it put it into shock and turn it into a hermie.
What do you think?


Active Member
Thats a good idea I didnt think of that. But are you sure the shortage of light all the sudden wont stress it out?


Well-Known Member
Joe is exactly right. And no, the 4 hrs less light. Plant wont even flinch. No worries. On really hot afternoons I often shut my lights off early just because of the heat. No big deal.


Well-Known Member
what they said above will work fine but if you are worried you could always shut it off an hour early for 4 days. Day 1: Light goes off at 11pm on at 11am etc.


Active Member
you don't have to do it immediately.

i'd go 11am/11pm for a couple days, then 10/10, 9/9, and within a week you're at 8am/8pm.


Well-Known Member
dont see the point of doing an hour a day thing,when it can be done in 1 day,without any harm.the hour a day just means more fartin about with timers IMO.


Well-Known Member
the 1 hour a day means a smoother transition for your plants....less of a growth delay for getting accustomed to the new system.