sumnafabitch. i started taking it 12 days ago. i quit smoking yesterday and am doing great until i turn on the news last night and see it is the second most dangerous drug out there. 

chantix says the benefits outweigh the risks so if i live thru it i will be a better person.

Using Varenicline (CHANTIX) To Quit Smoking: Do Not Use Until 2014 [hide all summaries]
(September 2007)
Varenicline was approved by the FDA in May 2006 for use as an aid in smoking cessation treatment. It belongs to a new family of drugs, not containing nicotine, but thought to work by stimulating nicotine receptors in the brain, just as nicotine does. As seen so many times, recently, the evaluation of the safety of a drug is often inadequate when it is approved and varencicline is no exception. In pre-approval studies, the most common side effect appeared to be nausea uncomfortable, not life-threatening, but occurring in more than one-third of patients using the drug and often causing patients to discontinue the drug. Because of inadequate information about its safety, we recommend not using it until 2014, by which time much more will be known.
Alternatives to Chantix (Varenicline) Dangerous Smoking Cessation Drug Side Effects of Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Psychostimulants, Hypnotics and More
The pill was linked to more than 3,000 reports of serious side effects per a Bloomberg report.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reported in February that at least 39 people committed suicide while on Chantix.........................

chantix says the benefits outweigh the risks so if i live thru it i will be a better person.

Using Varenicline (CHANTIX) To Quit Smoking: Do Not Use Until 2014 [hide all summaries]
(September 2007)
Varenicline was approved by the FDA in May 2006 for use as an aid in smoking cessation treatment. It belongs to a new family of drugs, not containing nicotine, but thought to work by stimulating nicotine receptors in the brain, just as nicotine does. As seen so many times, recently, the evaluation of the safety of a drug is often inadequate when it is approved and varencicline is no exception. In pre-approval studies, the most common side effect appeared to be nausea uncomfortable, not life-threatening, but occurring in more than one-third of patients using the drug and often causing patients to discontinue the drug. Because of inadequate information about its safety, we recommend not using it until 2014, by which time much more will be known.
Alternatives to Chantix (Varenicline) Dangerous Smoking Cessation Drug Side Effects of Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Psychostimulants, Hypnotics and More
The pill was linked to more than 3,000 reports of serious side effects per a Bloomberg report.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration reported in February that at least 39 people committed suicide while on Chantix.........................