
I've read countless times that Ph and environment can influence the gender of a sprouted seedling. Has this been proven false or am I missing something?

It's been a while since I actually researched but I found quite a few studies that said gender in marijuana seeds is not predetermined and can change depending on the stress levels that the plant is subjected today by the time it reaches maturity.

I read an article at peoples choice disp. That higher nitrogen levels than the standard equate to higher percentages of female. Vice versa for males.
Or like the tiny 250$ Gorilla Glue#4 clone I purchased off of Craigslist. Nothing like feeling robbed when you research into it and find out this strain you paid an butt load of money for, was supposed to be handed out for free.
Supposed to handed out for free??
Don't get them from demontrich he gets strains mixed up so you never know what you'll get. He's still running old TGA subcool strains.
How's Chaos 5x5 going? Lol

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Supposed to handed out for free??
Don't get them from demontrich he gets strains mixed up so you never know what you'll get. He's still running old TGA subcool strains.
How's Chaos 5x5 going? Lol

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Getting Strains mixed up is one thing. Spraying toxic pesticides"ortho home defense" on medicinal plants intend for medical use is another.

Just calling out Bullshit when I see it.
I don't spray it on the plants, I use it while watering the larvae come to the top and I spray and kill them. Is their a problem with that. I don't have any pesticides and I have test so go on with something else

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Supposed to handed out for free??
Don't get them from demontrich he gets strains mixed up so you never know what you'll get. He's still running old TGA subcool strains.
How's Chaos 5x5 going? Lol

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Yeah, Gorilla glue #4. From my understanding, the man who created it, let it out under the premise that it be handed out to sick patients for free and to keep it out of greedy dispensaries hands. Not charge $250 by some unpleasant frumpy girls from craigslist.

Do you even realize how many people doing this over the time it has been in Michigan, have passed on/sold/given out mislabeled strains? We were paying $50 a pop for mislabeled strains in A2 at storefront clone suppliers, only to find out months later it's not what we payed for.
Shit happens dude.
Damn..u paid 250 for the glue..i can see paying that or more a few years ago..but glue is everywhere these days. Not exactly a hard or rare strain to come by. Them frumpy girls also charged me 3 bills for something that was given to them free :), no hard feelings tho, it goes to a good cause i believe.

@NurseNancy420 where can i pick up a pack of the gorilla fuck? Watching a journal elsewhere, and that looks lime something i want to run.
Damn..u paid 250 for the glue..i can see paying that or more a few years ago..but glue is everywhere these days. Not exactly a hard or rare strain to come by. Them frumpy girls also charged me 3 bills for something that was given to them free :), no hard feelings tho, it goes to a good cause i believe.

@NurseNancy420 where can i pick up a pack of the gorilla fuck? Watching a journal elsewhere, and that looks lime something i want to run.
Great Lakes genetics has em

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There looks to be a lot of pollen chuckers on GLG. I'd love to grow something local from seed but not at those prices. Hell no.