Charity Weed


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I'm particularity weird for this, or if it's all the same all around but I feel good being able to smoke friends up. I don't mean in the sense of feeling superior, or a serene warmth of self worth, I just enjoy being able to facilitate a good atmosphere and mood to those close to me and close by me.

I smoke a lot, and therein always HAVE. If I had it my way none of my friends would have to pay, instead they get it at cost; the cost which comes with QP's and HP's of AAA business.

Being able to facilitate, being able to create and be a part of stimulating a good mood/atmosphere/environment feels pretty kick ass and wholesome imo.

Sr. Verde

So you hook ur friends up with qp / hp prices?

Yeah I do the same haha

Makes me feel jealous that they have a connect that hooks them up with the cheapest available

Sometimes they don't even pay I just hook it up


Well-Known Member
Whenever i get high with ma buddies we never seem to understand each other, we misinterpret what people say by the way they say it and things just get confusing.
That said, when i first harvested i agree that i love the feeling of having home grow, its so much nicer than the stuff we normally get.
And yea its a good feeling to share it around.

There are only a few things we all understand.
Maccas run.
Maccas run.
Wheres the cone piece?



Well-Known Member
Sometimes they don't even pay I just hook it up[/QUOTE]
I do the same cause ya know the saying.....

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed!":eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I enjoy it for sure, it just sucks when some people try and take advantage of it though, thats when you gotta keep yo pimp hand strong.. Back when I used to slang I gave all my boys the best deals and smoked blunt after blunt with them all day long.


Well-Known Member
I only do it for people I consider for all purposes and intentions as family. Even moreso in ways I suppose, so I guess it's little different than say me giving my sister or mom free ganja. Still though, those you care about. I mean, I like my friends, I love some of them, my boahz, home slices, even my acquaintances are all rad awesome people to me, but They're not what you'd proverbially speaking call your 'poss-e' jo home brahz, your peas in the pod you enjoy being in. I love those peas of mine lol.

Sr. Verde

I only do it for people I consider for all purposes and intentions as family. Even moreso in ways I suppose, so I guess it's little different than say me giving my sister or mom free ganja. Still though, those you care about. I mean, I like my friends, I love some of them, my boahz, home slices, even my acquaintances are all rad awesome people to me, but They're not what you'd proverbially speaking call your 'poss-e' jo home brahz, your peas in the pod you enjoy being in. I love those peas of mine lol.

Yeah I got 3 homies like that

We kick it together allll the time

With friend 1 we smoke it up all the time, smoke mad herb, like I think we went through an eighth in a few hours

Friend 2 we smoke it up occasionally, usually when I'm chillin with friend 1... Friend 2's mind is often blown by the amount we smoke

Friend 3 usually chills with me and friend 1 and does the same shit we do

Damn I'll just spend 3 days at friend ones house blazing... And if I dont have herb he hooks it up, and vice versa... He pays for 3/4 of what he smokes tho so thats good

Gotta love tight friends


Active Member
I only have one friend like that now. She always has my back and i always have hers. I did have another friend who i was really tight with aswell. Until one time he got kicked out of his place and i let him crash at mine. Then one day i woke up to money missing, weed missing and my $300 dollar pair oakleys missing. We were boys for close to 13 years and then he had to go and pull some shit like that and fuck it all up.

Just goes to show when think you know someone and try to help em out even the closest friends can fuck you over.


Well-Known Member
Maccas run: Common slang amoungst my freinds implying. "Gee i would rather enjoy some McDonald's confectioneries right now" This phrase is often associated with the hunger that comes with consumption of Cannabis.

May you have Peace


New Member
I too, believe it is better to give than to receive.
It sets a good example to pick up the tab first.

I find it easier to speak at an emotional level with stoner friends.
Weirdness can be quite enjoyable!


New Member
I love peas too, especially with butter and herbs.

I dream of the day when 20 friends can, with no worries at 'tall, sit around one of the most beautifully illuminated and kick ass pot of herbs you can get your mind around.