charlie sheen clone


Active Member
I purchased this jacked up clone brung it back from its doomIMG_1192.jpgIMG_1187.jpg, now it has trichs and pistils i dont want to go straight to flower....should I or not? all opinions appreciated. Thanx
i would recommend re-veging it first. What light schedule is it under now? It also seems pretty small to already be budding up. I also feel you will reduce the risk of it herming if you get it back in good shape before flowering. even if it doesn't herm stressed plants never seem to do aw well.
That's not Charlie Sheen og! CS has 5 leafs and is lab tested at 23% THC. The clone you have looks like SFV OG but it's just a guess.
Here's the clone only Charlie Sheen.

wrong thread...why is this in DIY????


really? get a life man

his clones will have 5 leaves eventually once they finish revegging, keep them lights on 18+ hours a day and you will get some fucked up growth for a bit but eventually they will get back to normal.
That's not Charlie Sheen og! CS has 5 leafs and is lab tested at 23% THC. The clone you have looks like SFV OG but it's just a guess.
Here's the clone only Charlie Sheen.


really uour that good you can tell what genetic strain something is by looking at a re vegging clone? dam where you been on all the "what strain is this" threads.