
What's worse is looking toward the future, the election..we have no leader being worse than the other..everyone's complaining yet no one will do anything.

Case in point: has anyone heard of charges being brought against DWS for her role in smearing Sanders, withholding his database? No? Anyone? No?
News conference now..the officer, a drug expert, thought Scott was under the influence.

They're still going through body cam footage (to edit) before they book was found (officer shoved it in his/her pants).

And they DID find a gun..imagine that (some nice officer used his throw down).
What's worse is looking toward the future, the election..we have no leader being worse than the other..everyone's complaining yet no one will do anything.

Case in point: has anyone heard of charges being brought against DWS for her role in smearing Sanders, withholding his database? No? Anyone? No?
WTF does that have to do with Charlotte ?
Op starts a thread and self derails on second post.
At this point I don't know whether to believe it's a race thing, or really just a lack of proper training and accountability thing. My mother is an ER doctor and always mentions how Un-accountable the police are who have the choice and the right to take someone's life and it be completly justifiable. Most people who have to deal with the public must get an associates at least on the matter. That would include being educated on public relations, sociology, psychology, mental health and more. The people who are around to protect us, take a crash course for 6 months and are given a gun. Not to mention the CCA and the rise of people in prison after it became for profit but that's another matter.
At this point I don't know whether to believe it's a race thing, or really just a lack of proper training and accountability thing. My mother is an ER doctor and always mentions how Un-accountable the police are who have the choice and the right to take someone's life and it be completly justifiable. Most people who have to deal with the public must get an associates at least on the matter. That would include being educated on public relations, sociology, psychology, mental health and more. The people who are around to protect us, take a crash course for 6 months and are given a gun. Not to mention the CCA and the rise of people in prison after it became for profit but that's another matter.

I get your point on our public officials' level of preparedness; a little understanding of human psychology goes a long way. But..

Previous generations were brought up to respect, and to a certain extent, fear law enforcement. "Yes officer, no officer." I remember being told this as a kid. I grew up in a tough city too.

We're living in the age of entitlement; current generations question authority, challenge cops trying to do their job, and are far less respectful in general. I fear this is going to escalate unless African Americans reverse this way of thinking. Cops are not your enemies. And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs. Don't want trouble? Sit down, mind your own business, and don't get involved. And if you're a lawbreaker, well don't get caught or surrender with hands visible. The moment you decide to challenge, you become a threat.

It's regretful, but this is a black thing, not a cop thing.
I get your point on our public officials' level of preparedness; a little understanding of human psychology goes a long way. But..

Previous generations were brought up to respect, and to a certain extent, fear law enforcement. "Yes officer, no officer." I remember being told this as a kid. I grew up in a tough city too.

We're living in the age of entitlement; current generations question authority, challenge cops trying to do their job, and are far less respectful in general. I fear this is going to escalate unless African Americans reverse this way of thinking. Cops are not your enemies. And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs. Don't want trouble? Sit down, mind your own business, and don't get involved. And if you're a lawbreaker, well don't get caught or surrender with hands visible. The moment you decide to challenge, you become a threat.

It's regretful, but this is a black thing, not a cop thing.
I think you're the problem. We live in an age where younger generations don't take shit like older generations. Honestly, old people are just a disrespectful. You know how many older people I will hold a door for, grab an extra shopping cart for them, or simply help them carry their bags if they look like they needed some extra help. They always take the help, but I never get a thank you. Old people are actually the problem with their 20+ years in politics, and with their outdated rhetoric that the majority usually doesn't agree with i.e Feinstein. Current generations question authority because we grew up being taught to do so by our parents. Rightfully so, because most of the older generation are stuck in some bullshit. I would love to hear someone explain to me how cops are not the enemy. "And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs" - probably the dumbest thing that has ever come out of someones mouth. You should respect Donald trump because he is an "important" businessman. I was an Infantryman in the Army from 08-13 and had soldiers who were damn near retarded handle a weapon better than any policeman. Interesting how in combat, in a third world country, we were expected to adhere to the geneva convention i.e not shooting in the back, rendering aid if still alive, etc... yet, cops can't even approach a car without the feeling of shitting themselves and drawing their weapon... They have a taser and are trained to use it. A taser takes down 9/10 suspects, in which if the last suspect charges you and your life is threatened AND you give a verbal warning, then you may shoot, not the other way around. I'm all screwed up I guess, I guess the terrorist aren't isis or al queda, but rather black people in America.....
I think you're the problem. We live in an age where younger generations don't take shit like older generations. Honestly, old people are just a disrespectful. You know how many older people I will hold a door for, grab an extra shopping cart for them, or simply help them carry their bags if they look like they needed some extra help. They always take the help, but I never get a thank you. Old people are actually the problem with their 20+ years in politics, and with their outdated rhetoric that the majority usually doesn't agree with i.e Feinstein. Current generations question authority because we grew up being taught to do so by our parents. Rightfully so, because most of the older generation are stuck in some bullshit. I would love to hear someone explain to me how cops are not the enemy. "And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs" - probably the dumbest thing that has ever come out of someones mouth. You should respect Donald trump because he is an "important" businessman. I was an Infantryman in the Army from 08-13 and had soldiers who were damn near retarded handle a weapon better than any policeman. Interesting how in combat, in a third world country, we were expected to adhere to the geneva convention i.e not shooting in the back, rendering aid if still alive, etc... yet, cops can't even approach a car without the feeling of shitting themselves and drawing their weapon... They have a taser and are trained to use it. A taser takes down 9/10 suspects, in which if the last suspect charges you and your life is threatened AND you give a verbal warning, then you may shoot, not the other way around. I'm all screwed up I guess, I guess the terrorist aren't isis or al queda, but rather black people in America.....
bad skittles.
I think you're the problem. We live in an age where younger generations don't take shit like older generations. Honestly, old people are just a disrespectful. You know how many older people I will hold a door for, grab an extra shopping cart for them, or simply help them carry their bags if they look like they needed some extra help. They always take the help, but I never get a thank you. Old people are actually the problem with their 20+ years in politics, and with their outdated rhetoric that the majority usually doesn't agree with i.e Feinstein. Current generations question authority because we grew up being taught to do so by our parents. Rightfully so, because most of the older generation are stuck in some bullshit. I would love to hear someone explain to me how cops are not the enemy. "And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs" - probably the dumbest thing that has ever come out of someones mouth. You should respect Donald trump because he is an "important" businessman. I was an Infantryman in the Army from 08-13 and had soldiers who were damn near retarded handle a weapon better than any policeman. Interesting how in combat, in a third world country, we were expected to adhere to the geneva convention i.e not shooting in the back, rendering aid if still alive, etc... yet, cops can't even approach a car without the feeling of shitting themselves and drawing their weapon... They have a taser and are trained to use it. A taser takes down 9/10 suspects, in which if the last suspect charges you and your life is threatened AND you give a verbal warning, then you may shoot, not the other way around. I'm all screwed up I guess, I guess the terrorist aren't isis or al queda, but rather black people in America.....

Well that didn't take long. This country is shit thanks to this kind of thinking. Age of Entitlement ..
You know how many older people I will hold a door for, grab an extra shopping cart for them, or simply help them carry their bags if they look like they needed some extra help. They always take the help, but I never get a thank you...

I think that's called "customer service".
Well that didn't take long. This country is shit thanks to this kind of thinking. Age of Entitlement ..
It is a police officers job to approach the situation in a calm manner because the situation might need that. Yet, police officers approach people, especially minorities, in a very hostile way. Fuck the cops, fuck the respect you think they deserve. The justice department has said again and again there is obvious prejudice in the police department and yet people hear what they want to hear; blame black peoples attitudes towards cops. It's funny how if man A and man B get into it and man B shoots man A because of his attitude, man B is going to jail for sure. A cop shoots a person because of their attitude, it's cool. Our country is shit because of asshats that take down the economy, send business elsewhere, run and operate a police state, surveillance and data collection on every citizen, politicial term limits, money in politics, citizens united, and the list goes on. Yes, clearly it must be those free thinkers at it again with their logic that is destroying America.

I think that's called "customer service".
No, it's called..... assholes.
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No...your thinking is what is wrong with America.

So by default, we should teach kids to question authority? To carry bb gun pistols and brandish them when challenged by law enforcement? We should let kids wander where and when hey want? We should but our noses into other people's business, including times when law enforcement is involved? I can go on. And this isn't "old white Trump voter" talking. I just think blacks have it wrong with cops. Stay out of the shadows, try to do the right thing, and have some basic respect for law enforcement.
I think you're the problem. We live in an age where younger generations don't take shit like older generations. Honestly, old people are just a disrespectful. You know how many older people I will hold a door for, grab an extra shopping cart for them, or simply help them carry their bags if they look like they needed some extra help. They always take the help, but I never get a thank you. Old people are actually the problem with their 20+ years in politics, and with their outdated rhetoric that the majority usually doesn't agree with i.e Feinstein. Current generations question authority because we grew up being taught to do so by our parents. Rightfully so, because most of the older generation are stuck in some bullshit. I would love to hear someone explain to me how cops are not the enemy. "And by default, you should respect them as they do their jobs" - probably the dumbest thing that has ever come out of someones mouth. You should respect Donald trump because he is an "important" businessman. I was an Infantryman in the Army from 08-13 and had soldiers who were damn near retarded handle a weapon better than any policeman. Interesting how in combat, in a third world country, we were expected to adhere to the geneva convention i.e not shooting in the back, rendering aid if still alive, etc... yet, cops can't even approach a car without the feeling of shitting themselves and drawing their weapon... They have a taser and are trained to use it. A taser takes down 9/10 suspects, in which if the last suspect charges you and your life is threatened AND you give a verbal warning, then you may shoot, not the other way around. I'm all screwed up I guess, I guess the terrorist aren't isis or al queda, but rather black people in America.....

I agree with much of this. Cheers.