
Maybe you are a bigoted misogynistic lump that desperately tries grabbing and clinging to ANY straws that involve 'the others' being at fault in a given situation?

Curious: Do women let you fuck them? I only say "fuck" because the way you describe, categorize, and demean females is indicative of someone with frightening intimacy issues.

First, do you have the right person ? I`m happily married with children and Big little line Lou says, "Do women let you fuck them?"

Do you think those rioters will return stolen goods because they got food ? or, at least fix those trucks ? How bout the little sisters screaming .."that black cop shot him cuz he was black"...

Ya Lou,...Am I catching shit for calling those little black girls "sisters" too ?
First, do you have the right person ? I`m happily married with children and Big little line Lou says, "Do women let you fuck them?"

Do you think those rioters will return stolen goods because they got food ? or, at least fix those trucks ? How bout the little sisters screaming .."that black cop shot him cuz he was black"...

Ya Lou,...Am I catching shit for calling those little black girls "sisters" too ?

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"outdated views." lol

Is your new way working better? Your new way of "basic disrespect" is affecting things, for sure. Blame someone else.. yeah it's the cops.
In 2012, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 532,911 times 473,644 were totally innocent (89 percent).
284,229 were black (55 percent). 165,140 were Latino (32 percent). 50,366 were white (10 percent).

This in itself is crazy, but blacks have no right to hold a shitty attitude towards the police, give me a break. This info was from a quick search, imagine if I looked for harder.
thugs, eh? did rolli slap your ass for calling them "niggers" instead earlier today?

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elizabeth warren doesn't like looters much either.


No but I`m sure you will.

It wasn`t directed at an individual, like the excuse he gives you.
Lol nah some people still have some common sense and are making there departments wear them. I wonder why they are forced to wear it? Maybe because they have hidden to much from the public view?

I don't know about most.... I could've walked in open arms to the LAPD or probably the NYPD, hell the Chicago PD even. I know there is a few, but I doubt it's MOST.

Oh man I love it when someone points this out. Do black neighborhoods do worse in school, sure. Are they incarcerated at a higher rate, sure. Do they commit a high amount of crime, sure. As a psychologist you should understand urban development. What happened when urbanization started? White families, who could afford to ( blacks couldn't because whites were racist, and therefore blacks didn't hold as many good jobs), moved out of the cities and into the suburbs, leaving families of color behind. Fast forward to now and we now know a few things. 1) The cia dumped crack into black communitites and did it successfully. and 2) There is still systemic racism. We have communities who are under-funded tremendously for their schools and and even basic infrastructure. Why when I drive through LA, Beverly Hills is nice, so is Hollywood (manageable at least) then you make your way to compton or even inglewood. These neighborhoods resemble detroit. When the government doesn't care about you, why should you give a shit about them? You act like black people have had it easy. You act like the civil rights act changed things instantly. White people have been "on top" for a very long time and we still suck. Shit we have the two worst candidates in the history of our elections, both are white btw. So how in the fuck do expect a group of people who have been shit on in every way possible to "have their shit together". You expect me to believe that a group of people (minorities) hate the cops only because they can't take responsibility for themselves? It couldn't be that this has been happening forever and now we have good enough communication to put it in our faces all day.

Yeah but you don't WANT to be a cop in NYC, Chitown or LA..:lol: