
At times you can speak with some sense . It is a shame you don't support civil rights and can't be trusted around 13 year olds.

I support the right of every person who is capable of self determining to be able to peacefully control themselves and their own property, but not forcibly control others or others property.

It's a shame you don't support peaceful and voluntary human interactions, but at least you like beer, so you're not all bad.

Yep. Any number over zero is well worth protesting about.

How about you show us a black life that doesn't matter?
Maybe you are a bigoted misogynistic lump that desperately tries grabbing and clinging to ANY straws that involve 'the others' being at fault in a given situation?

Curious: Do women let you fuck them? I only say "fuck" because the way you describe, categorize, and demean females is indicative of someone with frightening intimacy issues.

If you correctly imply that human relations should rely on voluntary and consensual agreement of the individuals involved, why would you support institutions which then deny that premise?

Isn't that a blatant contradiction ? That was a rhetorical question.
How about you show us a black life that doesn't matter?

Hmmmm, well, I was trying to think of maybe black serial killers, only there haven't been very many...hmmmm...oh, how about Mike Vick? A vicious sadist if ever I've seen one! I'd love to have an hour or so alone with him so I could make him feel what those dogs felt, only tenfold. Real big, bad guy...,tough baller, yep...pussy-ass punk shouldn't be breathing fresh air...

200w (17).gif
Hmmmm, well, I was trying to think of maybe black serial killers, only there haven't been very many...hmmmm...oh, how about Mike Vick? A vicious sadist if ever I've seen one! I'd love to have an hour or so alone with him so I could make him feel what those dogs felt, only tenfold. Real big, bad guy...,tough baller, yep...pussy-ass punk shouldn't be breathing fresh air...

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He did his time and paid with his career.

You kinda proved my point though, thanks.
He did his time and paid with his career.

Not even close. You don't get to do those things to kind, LOYAL, sentient creatures and then serve a joke sentence, doesn't make amends for shit.
In an ideal Karmic situation he'd be ripped to death by dogs, but one can only hope...

Decreasing corporate taxation has led to crumbling infrastructure, worsening schools, social injustice and wealth inequality that threatens to tear this country apart.

I'll patiently wait while you dream up more silly ass platitudes to 'debate' me with.
Can you back your claims up? I did. How can you properly debate when all you bring is your opinion? So a decrease in corporate taxes led to crumbling infrastructure. The worlds average almost dropped 50% since the early 80's and by your same logic the world should be shit. I still say American leaders don't know how to allocate and budget properly, which seems to blow your mind. Why did we just give Israel billions? I don't see crumbling infrastructure that the government is responsible for within Europe. We are currently top five in the world for highest corporate tax. How is it that Germany and countries like it have a good infrastructure, and good schools. Germany had to rebuild completely after WW2 and they still have a better infastructure/education than us today. They are taxed less than we are, and have a form of universal healthcare.

  • "The worldwide average top corporate income tax rate (accounting for 173 countries and tax jurisdictions) is 22.9 percent, 29.8 percent weighted by GDP.
    • By region, Europe has the lowest average corporate tax rate at 18.7 percent (26.1 percent weighted by GDP). Africa has the highest simple average at 28.77 percent. ( wait, how do they afford their healthcare, hmm....)
      • The worldwide average corporate tax rate has declined since 2003 from 30 percent to 22.9 percent. (by tyystik's calculations, the world should be crumbling and education seems to fail to exist)
    The U.S. tax rate is 16 percentage points higher than the worldwide average of 22.8 percent and a little more than 9 percentage points higher than the worldwide GDP-weighted average of 29.8 percent. "

"One explanation may be our budgeting process. States and cities generally pay for maintenance from annual operating budgets. You can’t borrow money to repair a pothole. That leaves the pots of money set aside as tempting targets."
“Maintenance budgets are one of the first places mayors and governors look for money to fill budget shortfalls,” says William Reinhardt, editor of Public Works Financing. “That’s because the effects of underfunding maintenance are not immediately obvious.”

Here is chart for you from the congressional budget office. There is a few links on this page that will show you the spending for infrastructure. Why has spending gone up 100's of percents in every category, yet our infrastructure blows. Hmm, once again bad budgeting and allocation of funds.

Facts disagree with your opinion.
Not even close. You don't get to do those things to kind, LOYAL, sentient creatures and then serve a joke sentence, doesn't make amends for shit.
In an ideal Karmic situation he'd be ripped to death by dogs, but one can only hope...

He had an NFL career, a job most of us only dream about and thanks to his dog fighting bullshit that's gone.

I'm not going to go tit for tat but there's no shortage of white people into dog fighting.

Hell, one could even say that his life matters as an example to others of what happens when you hurt animals.
Can you back your claims up? I did. How can you properly debate when all you bring is your opinion? So a decrease in corporate taxes led to crumbling infrastructure. The worlds average almost dropped 50% since the early 80's and by your same logic the world should be shit. I still say American leaders don't know how to allocate and budget properly, which seems to blow your mind. Why did we just give Israel billions? I don't see crumbling infrastructure that the government is responsible for within Europe. We are currently top five in the world for highest corporate tax. How is it that Germany and countries like it have a good infrastructure, and good schools. Germany had to rebuild completely after WW2 and they still have a better infastructure/education than us today. They are taxed less than we are, and have a form of universal healthcare.

  • "The worldwide average top corporate income tax rate (accounting for 173 countries and tax jurisdictions) is 22.9 percent, 29.8 percent weighted by GDP.
    • By region, Europe has the lowest average corporate tax rate at 18.7 percent (26.1 percent weighted by GDP). Africa has the highest simple average at 28.77 percent. ( wait, how do they afford their healthcare, hmm....)
      • The worldwide average corporate tax rate has declined since 2003 from 30 percent to 22.9 percent. (by tyystik's calculations, the world should be crumbling and education seems to fail to exist)
    The U.S. tax rate is 16 percentage points higher than the worldwide average of 22.8 percent and a little more than 9 percentage points higher than the worldwide GDP-weighted average of 29.8 percent. "

"One explanation may be our budgeting process. States and cities generally pay for maintenance from annual operating budgets. You can’t borrow money to repair a pothole. That leaves the pots of money set aside as tempting targets."
“Maintenance budgets are one of the first places mayors and governors look for money to fill budget shortfalls,” says William Reinhardt, editor of Public Works Financing. “That’s because the effects of underfunding maintenance are not immediately obvious.”

Here is chart for you from the congressional budget office. There is a few links on this page that will show you the spending for infrastructure. Why has spending gone up 100's of percents in every category, yet our infrastructure blows. Hmm, once again bad budgeting and allocation of funds.

Facts disagree with your opinion.

Economics dishes week all that air you shovel.

Show us hoe paying less taxes improves funding for schools, infrastructure, training or any other measure of competitiveness?

The megacorps have you totally snowed to the point where you can't do math.

We're actually PAYING large corporations to do business, forget zeroing out their tax bills. How in the fuck do you think that is in any way sustainable?

You haven't bothered to address the ethical bankruptcy of WHY virtuosos shouldn't pay taxes if they're making all the money?

Time for you to read some Thomas Piketty, bro.

We've been doing it your way for over 40 years now. If your assertions worked, we'd be in fantastic economic shape. News flash; WE'RE NOT. Care to explain that- or is cut n paste of stuff you don't understand the best you can manage?
He had an NFL career, a job most of us only dream about and thanks to his dog fighting bullshit that's gone.

I'm not going to go tit for tat but there's no shortage of white people into dog fighting.

Hell, one could even say that his life matters as an example to others of what happens when you hurt animals.

White people and dog fighting? Obviously, no need to make this a racial issue -- I'm certainly not looking at Vick's skin, but his rancid and deranged heart.
If you don't know the details of the case I suggest you read up, went way beyond "dog fighting".

And if "an example" being made is the goal, then let's do it properly and feed him to an arena of abused pit bulls, with an audience comprised of convicted animal abusers. Really drive the point home, I say.
The BLM isn't just about police shootings.

From BLM's Website-

#BlackLivesMatter doesn’t mean your life isn’t important–it means that Black lives, which are seen as without value within White supremacy, are important to your liberation. Given the disproportionate impact state violence has on Black lives, we understand that when Black people in this country get free, the benefits will be wide reaching and transformative for society as a whole. When we are able to end hyper-criminalization and sexualization of Black people and end the poverty, control, and surveillance of Black people, every single person in this world has a better shot at getting and staying free. When Black people get free, everybody gets free. This is why we call on Black people and our allies to take up the call that Black lives matter. We’re not saying Black lives are more important than other lives, or that other lives are not criminalized and oppressed in various ways. We remain in active solidarity with all oppressed people who are fighting for their liberation and we know that our destinies are intertwined.
The BLM isn't just about police shootings.

From BLM's Website-

#BlackLivesMatter doesn’t mean your life isn’t important–it means that Black lives, which are seen as without value within White supremacy, are important to your liberation. Given the disproportionate impact state violence has on Black lives, we understand that when Black people in this country get free, the benefits will be wide reaching and transformative for society as a whole. When we are able to end hyper-criminalization and sexualization of Black people and end the poverty, control, and surveillance of Black people, every single person in this world has a better shot at getting and staying free. When Black people get free, everybody gets free. This is why we call on Black people and our allies to take up the call that Black lives matter. We’re not saying Black lives are more important than other lives, or that other lives are not criminalized and oppressed in various ways. We remain in active solidarity with all oppressed people who are fighting for their liberation and we know that our destinies are intertwined.

^ Some of this was well said and I agree with portions, but you do know that you are attempting to enlighten/debate with a racist, right?
White people and dog fighting? Obviously, no need to make this a racial issue -- I'm certainly not looking at Vick's skin, but his rancid and deranged heart.
If you don't know the details of the case I suggest you read up, went way beyond "dog fighting".

And if "an example" being made is the goal, then let's do it properly and feed him to an arena of abused pit bulls, with an audience comprised of convicted animal abusers. Really drive the point home, I say.

Not disagreeing. That said, he's a piker compared to the monsters sitting on the board at Lockheed Martin.
Economics dishes week all that air you shovel.

Show us hoe paying less taxes improves funding for schools, infrastructure, training or any other measure of competitiveness?

The megacorps have you totally snowed to the point where you can't do math.

We're actually PAYING large corporations to do business, forget zeroing out their tax bills. How in the fuck do you think that is in any way sustainable?

You haven't bothered to address the ethical bankruptcy of WHY virtuosos shouldn't pay taxes if they're making all the money?

Time for you to read some Thomas Piketty, bro.

We've been doing it your way for over 40 years now. If your assertions worked, we'd be in fantastic economic shape. News flash; WE'RE NOT. Care to explain that- or is cut n paste of stuff you don't understand the best you can manage?
Technically you are both right. Bad allocation of funds, too much borrowing, and corporate subsidies/protectionism pick winners and losers.
Economics dishes week all that air you shovel.

Show us hoe paying less taxes improves funding for schools, infrastructure, training or any other measure of competitiveness?

The megacorps have you totally snowed to the point where you can't do math.

We're actually PAYING large corporations to do business, forget zeroing out their tax bills. How in the fuck do you think that is in any way sustainable?

You haven't bothered to address the ethical bankruptcy of WHY virtuosos shouldn't pay taxes if they're making all the money?

Time for you to read some Thomas Piketty, bro.
You still are only bringing your opinion to the matter. An opinion that most don't hold. An opinion that can't be back up by facts, but rather other peoples opinion. I'm not the one that needs some reading.

Finally, low taxation is exactly how wealth inequality got that way.
You seem to be confusing the standard corporate tax bracket with companies who use the tax loopholes to evade taxes. Of course this is a problem, but this is a different argument. Let's start a discussion about how the tax code needs to be replaced, i'll get aboard that train. Not every corporations benefits from the tax loopholes that these "megascorps" use, so you are over generalizing. The corporate tax rate is high as hell and needs to be reevaluated in it's entirety.